Kathy is back

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Jo got call from mom when we're having lunch. 

Jo : hi mom! How are you. How is everyone. I'm so happy today, all the problems are solved

Mom : hi Jo! How is your health baby (mom voice sounded low)

Jo : what's wrong mom

Mom : Siddu uncle wants to see you. Is it possible for you to come 

Jo : what happened to uncle mom

Mom : You know right, uncle was upset about your marriage with Henry. He regrets not attending your marriage. He met with accident. As soon as he regained consciousness, asked for you

Jo : how is uncle now ( tears were rolling down her cheeks)

Mom : he is fine, luckily nothing major happened, will be discharged in 3 days

Jo : uncle is really fine right?

Mom : he is absolutely fine but mostly sleeping because of medication. Are you sure about traveling 

Me : hi mom! I will bring her, don't worry. Yesterday doctor check up was there, Doctor said Jo is absolutely fine

Mom : Hi Henry, thank you

Jo : how can you come Henry? There is so much paperwork and the transfer of the company. 

Me : I will work from there. How can I send you alone

Jo : I'm not a kid. I can go alone 

Me : I will not send you alone, I'm coming with you and we are not discussing on this

Mom : I will come to take you

Jo : no mom, it will take more time. Ferdu is going to come there next week to visit Pa. i will ask if he could come today itself 

Me : I'm coming with you

Jo : No, just now we solved the problems.Please Henry, it was stressful, I don't want more complications.

Me : I can't let you go alone 

Jo : we need to be careful till we finish these 2 projects. We have no idea who is responsible for this. I know you are worried about it. Don't worry I will go with Ferdu or mom will come and take me

Me : Jo....

Jo : we are not discussing on this. Mom, I will talk to Ferdu and call you. Bye

Jo called Ferdu after lunch. He was happy to go. Jo went to India with Ferdu evening. I didn't feel like going home, went to Jason's.

Judson opened the door. He was surprised to see me

"Where is Jo" he asked 

"Her uncle is in hospital, went to India with Ferdu. Jo asked me to inform you" 

"Missing Jo already?" he teased 

"I feel so lonely as if I'm the only person in this whole world without her" 

"At least we could spend some time together. It's been so long. Stay here till she returns"

I agreed

Judson took me to backyard

Jason is sitting with Christi and some other woman I don't know. They are laughing 

"You are alive?" She screamed looking at me in shock 

That's when Jason and Christi noticed me

"He is Henry, Drew's twin brother" Jason told her

"Henry, she is Kathy, my girlfriend"

So this is Kathy. She looks beautiful 

I gave her my hand saying "hi"

She is still in shock but shook my hand

"How is your mom? When did you come?" I asked 

"She is good, discharged last week, I came this evening" 

"I thought Jason need me, the company was in trouble, so I came as soon as I could" she added

"That's ver nice of you, we wouldn't have been in this situation if you didn't hide the problem. Everything is fine now. Let's have this talk in the office tomorrow. I don't mix professional and personal life" 

"I didn't want to trouble Ja...." she tried to tell 

"It's not office hours, you are my friend's girlfriend here. We will surely have a long discussion about the problem tomorrow. Let's enjoy the evening 

She nodded nervously 

"Where is Jo?" Christi asked 

Oh no! We didn't inform her to keep our relationship secret in front of Kathy

"She went to India" Judson said 

"Why didn't you go" Christi asked 

"Jason's girlfriend is here, how can he go. She is not a kid. Anyway Ms. Singhania took leave for a week" i said trying to  tell them my point

Everyone except Kathy looked surprised but I think they understood and nodded

"You must be angry with Josna for your loss" Kathy said 

"What loss? Everything is fine because of her, why will I be angry with her?" I asked not understanding 

"About loosing Anderson " she said 

"Kathy" Jason said louder

"What does Josna has in Drew's death?" I asked controlling my anger

"If Anderson didn't go to Australia, he would have been alive. It's all Jo's fault, he made him anger and he went away" she complained 

"Do you know why my brother was angry with Josna?" I asked 

"I don't know, but I'm sure she is the reason for him to go away"

"Who said Drew was angry with Josna ? You call my brother Anderson, that means he is not very close to you. You would have known my brother will never be angry with Josna. If he was angry, he wouldn't have made her COO. Anyone with at least 1% common sense will understand.  Don't judge anyone with your assumptions" I kind of warned her

"Let's have dinner, I'm hungry" Christi tried to relieve the situation 

"Me too, let's go" I said 

We had dinner silently mostly 

"I need to go. I took off for long, have lot of pending work. It's nice to meet you Henry. Good night" Kathy said leaving 

Jason went to drop her

"You want to keep your relationship with Jo secret?" Christi asked 

"Someone is behind us, Jo will be their target if they know about my relation with her" i said 

They nodded 

"Do you think Kathy is right for Jason?" I asked 

"You know Jason is confused when it comes to relationships. I'm surprised their relation lasted this long. Kathy is unpredictable. Let's see how it works" Judson said 

"I feel something is off with her, can't pinpoint exactly what  but Jason is happy. Haven't seen him committed since high school" Christi said 

Everyone thinks something is not right with her. I  feel she is hiding her true colors. Mike investigated, everything about her mom is true, still I don't believe.  Mike too feels the timing of everything is well fabricated and it can't be true.

If she was not Jason's girlfriend, I would have dealt differently. She cannot escape for that reason. What she did is unforgivable. I will have long chat with her. 

My grandpa always say ' if you get negative vibes, don't 8gnore. Our sixth sense is always right. In Kathy's case it's not just me everyone feel that. 

As CEO I'm going to interrogate Kathy about everything since 2 months. 

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