Wish I know

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Jo's POV 

I heard Jason call my name and knock on the door. I wiped my tears and opened the door.

"Jo, can we talk?" 

"Hmm, give me ten minutes" I said and went to wash room to wash my face. Jason was waiting for me in living room

"Sorry Jo, I wanted to come soon but stuck with work. Judson called and asked me to complete formalities to handle Henry's company in his absence and I had important work too. I know you were crying when I came. Don't worry everything will be fine" he said 

"What happened?" I asked 

"I wish I know Jo, Henry was too busy to even call me. I got call from Judson around 3pm"


Judson : Im going to Australia with Henry, it might take a while for us to return. Go to Henry's office there are few things to do. 

Jason : Why? What happened suddenly? Why are you going with Henry if it's official purpose? 

Judson : I will tell once we return. Things are better than expected, don't worry. Take care of Jo, she needs rest. It's better if she doesn't go to office, she can work from home. Make all the arrangements. Henry left papers in his cabin, take care of those. 

Jason : please tell me what happened, I'm scared. Henry wouldn't leave Jo alone in this condition, something is wrong

Judson : I swear nothing bad happened. I already told you things are actually good. Trust me.

Jason : ok 

Judson : Christi will be back in 3 days. She would stay at home with Jo. Be careful with Kathy, I'm sorry that you have to go to Henry's office and see her face till we return. We will find evidence soon

Jason : did you find anything in Australia. Is it related to Kathy and Travis

Judson : kind of. Don't think too much. Be careful 

Jason : Ok

End of Flashback 

"I really don't know what happened but I assure you nothing bad happened, actually something good happened. Don't worry Jo, I will be here and Christi will be here soon. Stress is not good for you. Henry has some important work there, if you are like this he can't concentrate. Take care of yourself and baby. He will be back soon. Sleep well, it's already ver late. Take off tomorrow" Jason said 

I was little relieved after talking to Jason. I wished good night and went to bed.

I tried so much but couldn't sleep. I was so happy last night even after such an incident and knowing about Kathy, I accepted my feelings towards Henry and also ready to give our relation chance without any inhibitions. Henry too loves me since our first meet almost a year ago. He is ready for our relation. I was on cloud 9 reading his letter. Today should have been the happiest day in my life. Why did it turn out like this?

Last night I felt so secured sleeping in Henry's arms, today I feel so lonely as if I'm the only person on this planet. 

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