Down the Hill

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Jo's POV 

I grew up hearing that I'm the most luckiest girl on this planet, born with golden spoon, beautiful,  smart,  kind, loved by Everyone. 

Now I feel like I'm the most unlucky girl in the universe. I became pregnant with my best friend accidentally in life saving situation, married to his brother out of obligation. Everything in my life and my family happens according to my wishes but the most important things in a girl's life, marriage and motherhood happened without my involvement.

Though it's a marriage of convenience, Henry never made me feel that way. From the day I agreed for marriage, he made me feel my baby is his and never made me regret my decision. I fell in love with him deeply with his love and care.

When he revealed about our first meet, I realized he didn't just marry me out of obligation but truly loved me. I was waiting for him to express his feelings on our date. I wanted to express my feelings too but he had to go to Australia. He even forgot about date.

That one month, staying away from him was hell. He returned with Drew and I expressed my love to Drew in front of Henry thinking it's him. Could it get any worse?

Henry didn't want to reveal our marriage so I decided to hide my pregnancy but I couldn't do it even for couple of days.

All the incidents are leading to awkward situations between us. I see pain in his eyes those moments but makes me feel better afterwards making me to love him more and more.

Few days after Drew came, I was ok and we were having dinner. Drew was surprised seeing me eat chicken. 

"Pregnancy cravings, I'm eating the food I hate now" Christi said smiling 

"This baby loves the food Judson likes and making me eat" she added and then looked at me with wide eyes realizing what it inferred. 

I felt my heart pinched, what would Henry be thinking? Drew loves chicken and I'm eating chicken because I'm carrying his baby.

No one took their eyes off their plates after that.

I lost my appetite but ate salad not wanting to create a scene. I didn't eat chicken though. Everyone retired to their rooms wishing good night.

I laid on my bed crying. After sometime I heard my door open, I didn't even bother to look, pretended to sleep.

I felt someone remove hair strands from my face. It's Henry, I can feel it, felt so good.

"I know you are not sleeping, get up" he said 

I turned to other side, wiped my tears and sat on bed. He tucked pillows on my back and helped me sit comfortably. I couldn't look him in the eyes even though that's what I want right now.

"Eat" he said bringing food to my mouth. It's chicken, smell is so good. I badly wants to eat

"I just had my dinner, I'm not hungry" I lied

"I know but my little one wants chicken. Remember she is my baby girl, she loves everything I likes" he said putting chicken in my mouth 

I couldn't hold my tears. He sat on bed hugging me. He was there till I fell asleep. 

Christi's baby kicked for the first time, we were all excited. 

"Does the baby moves" Drew asked me that evening 

"A lot" I said 

"Can I..." he hesitated 

I took his hand and kept on my stomach, baby kicked so hard.

He jumped in excitement and hugged me Henry came at that time. I wanted to talk to Henry but didn't know what to talk.

My parents and Pa came, I was surprised. They said Drew convinced them. They arranged my baby shower. Henry apologized me for not doing that. I tried telling him it's ok but he felt really bad.

My parents  arranged Christi's baby shower too in traditional Indian style, she was so happy. My family went back to India after staying for less than two weeks. 

Those were the best days in these stressful time. We all became kids, competing to get pampered. Evenings were blissful, all of us sitting in the lawn, chatting, pulling each other's legs, eating non stop. 

Drew and Pa were inseparable, they were more like friends which is unimaginable considering their age differences. 

After my family went to India, things went down the hill. 

Henry thinks Drew loves me. I tried to tell him but he didn't listen. Drew was always caring and protective towards me. We both are very close friends, do all kinds of things together video games, painting, music, dance, watching movies and tv series. We both talk about everything in the world not bothering about the world just like small kids.

I see pain in Henry's eyes seeing me with Drew. Henry talks to me only when we are alone. I miss him very badly, our baby too.

Drew is getting attached to my baby... it shouldn't be bothersome because he is my friend but.... He happened to be biological father of my baby and I'm very much in live with his brother who thinks Drew loves me and my baby.

Christi is at her mom's place trying to reconcile. I feel guilty that she is away from Judson at this time because of me.


The environment in the home is always stressful because of awkward moments between me Drew and Henry. Even Christi's health is getting affected, I happened to know accidentally. 

I happened to eavesdrop Christi and Judson's conversation. She was very angry with Henry for hiding my marriage and I'm getting hurt.

Judson asked her not to take stress as her health is getting affected. She has high BP.

Next morning I spoke to Judson 

"Can you do something for me without questioning."

"Order Jo, you know, I would never say no to you"

"Take Christi away from here till things are ok" I said and left from there without even waiting for his reply. It was so hard for me, they both are my solace right now especially Judson. We both are close but after Drew returned, he is the first person I talk to when I need to tell my feelings. 

Jason feels guilty, thinks he is responsible for everything so I don't tell my problems.

Next morning Judson dropped Christi at her mom's place and returned by evening. He said, Christi wants to reconcile with her mom.

When I scolded him he said, "seeing your mom, Christi really wanted to make up with hers. Even your mom advised. 

I know why you want Christi away from here. Don't worry, she is happy. She too wants me to be with you"

I was overwhelmed by their love

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