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Henry's POV

After few minutes  Judson came with anesthesiologist.

Judson asked Drew and Jason to wait outside.

"Henry it's very hard to watch, I don't know if you could bear" Judson said

Jo looked tensed hearing it. If it is hard to watch, can't imagine how Jo can bear

"I will stay" I said holding Jo's hand

"Does it hurt so much" Jo asked

"It's nothing compared to the pain you are experiencing, you have to hold still bending while I administer. Just think it's going to ease your pain" anesthesiologist said calmly

Jo nodded

He put pillow near Jo's baby bump and asked "hold it, bend and stay still"

Jo did as he said. I sat down on my knees holding Jo's hand. I could see Jo's pain and tension. She is scared of needles. Now she is getting injected in spinal cord. I can understand her situation. I wish I was in her position, taking all the pain.

"Thank you Steph" Judson thanked anesthesiologist

"You did well Mrs. Hansford, all the best" he left saying that

"Now I feel far better" Jo said smiling

I felt relieved

"I will be in my room with Jason and Drew. Call us if you need anything" Judson said smiling

"How long does it take" Jo asked

"It varies from person to person, once you are 10cm dilated, you can push the baby" Judson said

"Don't worry, everything will go smoothly, you are in good hands" Judson said

"Baby will be premature..." Jo expressed her fear

"Baby is 33 weeks, weighs 6.7 pounds. Many kids born less than that weight. Dr. Angela gave you steroids this morning, it would help baby's lungs mature, ready to breathe outside. Take rest, you need energy to push the baby" he said 

Jo nodded

"I want to talk to mom, They planned to come next week" Jo said

"We forgot our phones. I will have Jason go home and get. Look at us, we are in pajamas" Judson laughed

"Your staff got to see you in pajamas, thanks to me" Jo smiled

"They were giving weird looks. Now I know why?" Judson laughed and left

"I'm scared Henry, our baby is going to be fine right" Jo asked

"This is the best hospital, nothing will happen to our baby" i said but I'm scared too

"If you have to choose between...." Jo tried to tell

"There won't be that situation. I can't live if something happens to any of you. You and our baby knows that. You both love me and I know you both can't leave me" I assured Jo

"I love you" Jo said

I hugged her and kissed her head. I felt strong kick from my baby

"I love you too baby" I said kissing baby

Jo slept after sometime

Judson came with Drew and Jason. 

"It's good that it would take at least 8 hours for the baby to come.  By then steroids would help baby's lungs to mature" Judson said 

"I shouldn't have pushed this far" Drew said guiltily 

"I couldn't think straight, didn't know what to do? What was right. My fault" I said 

"I'm very lucky to have a brother like but you can't sacrifice your love for me. You should have thought about her, didn't you see how much she loves you. Did you seriously think she could see me more than a friend" he asked 

"I wanted to tell you today after the trial but seeing your happiness this morning... I couldn't"

"It's ok forget. You could have told me about your plan Drew" Judson said 

Drew laughed

"I'm surprised you didn't find about my drama. I always made Henry and Jo spent time alone. My snide comments... even today I said, 'this sofa is so comfortable as if made to sleep'. I knew you were sleeping there before. 

Did you all think I'm that dumb to not notice your romance and not understand Judson teasing you both?" 

"Anyway all is well now. I called Pa, they will be here by tomorrow evening" Drew said 

"Did I think of name for the baby?" Judson asked 

"We don't know the gender. I want Mom and dad to name our baby. First time i met Jo in flight, i loved her name especially the meaning, moonlight. I thought it's perfect. I thought I would let her parents name our kids" 

"As soon as you met my sister, you want to make her mother? You are shameless" Judson teased

"I fell in love with her, wanted to spend my whole life" I confessed

"Yet you were ready to give up your love?" 

Four of us stayed in the room talking, nurse is coming in between to check Jo.

Around 6 am Nurse said It's time to push, Jo is 10cm dilated. Dr. Angela came and my brothers left. Giving birth is very painful, I'm not going to let Jo go through that again. My little angel was born after one hour of Jo writhing in pain while trying to push our little one.

Jo was totally exhausted but seeing our baby all the pain and exhaustion forgotten. Our baby cried two seconds after coming out. I panicked, Doctor said she needs to cry for her lungs to breathe and she said even though baby is born prematurely she is all good. I was scared when Doctor asked me if I wanted to cut the umbilical cord. I couldn't do it.

When me and Jo held our baby, I felt it was magical, best moment of our life. Baby has jet black hair like Jo and exact copy of my eyes, ocean blue eyes.

I remembered what Shlok said when I first met him


'Jo's life was on the verge of death, she would have died if not for the life growing inside her' he said

He knows that Jo is pregnant?

"Baby has long life, that's the reason Jo is alive today. Take care" he said

End of Flashback

My brothers couldn't wait to hold our angel, she is the first baby in this generation and the first girl in three generations, just like Jo. Even in Judson's family there are no girls.

Jo's family came late evening. Everyone were excited to meet the little one. We named our angel 'Anaya' which means blessing of god.

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