Can't you see Love

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Henry's POV 

We are having tensed atmosphere at home most of the times because of awkward situations. I feel I'm not a good husband and good father, not giving proper care and love. Because of me Jo almost missed her traditional baby shower. I wanted to do surprise baby shower for her though. 

Drew spoke to her family, made them come. I cursed myself for not not doing that. She was so happy seeing them. We all had good time, it's been many years that we had elders in our family.

We used to enjoy family time, pampered by parents and grandpa. Suddenly they all disappeared and we had to grow up and take up the burden of company.

After Jo's family returned to India, tensions between us increased. I don't know what I exactly feel but seeing Drew and Jo hurts me. Jo is suffering more.

To add to the problems, Jess came. Drew introduced as my girlfriend. We never actually dated, just pretended. She loves Jason so much but that Idiot doesn't understand even after we tried so much to make him understand.

Jo was hurt seeing me dance with Jess. I tried to explain but lost it when she asked 'did you have sex with her?" 

It's not that I didn't have sex but I can't with Jess, she loves Jason.

I yelled at her. She lost consciousness after our arguement. I was scared seeing her like that

I shouted for Judson and placed her on bed. Everyone came. Judson gave her injection. He said she will be fine, BP is high

I should have been careful, my fault. I promised myself to never shout at her. I pushed her in this situation, made her hide our marriage because of which she is going through all this. 

After what seemed like forever Jo opened her eyes, looked at everyone except me. She doesn't even want to see my face.

She was trying hard not to cry. She said, she is fine and wants to speak alone. We all left.

Judson came after sometime and said, she is fine and is sleeping because of medication. Everyone went to their rooms.

I went to Jo's room. She is sleeping, her face has dried tears. I sat on bed holding her hand and apologized which is no use. I put hand on her tummy.

"I'm sorry angel, I hurt your mommy so much. I really regret what I said. I love you both so much" 

Baby kicked so hard that Jo jerked in her sleep and put her hand on mine. 

"No disturbing mommy, sleep well. Good night" 

I kissed her tummy. Baby moved lightly 

My baby girl is so smart, understands me so well. I left from there. Judson was in living room waiting for me to talk, so do I. 

"What happened?" He asked

I told him everything

"I wanted to explain but I lost it..."

"How could you Henry? You got angry hearing what she said but didn't you see her love? She loves you, couldn't see you with another woman. You should be happy not angry" he said 

What he said is true, I should have been happy 

"She grew up in the protective walls of her family not knowing outside world. She came here. Even here she doesn't know anyone except us. 

She was never in any relationship, never dated, didn't even kiss anyone. One day she woke up and found pregnant. Can you imagine that? She didn't even know how she got pregnant.

You married her, never expressed your feelings. She thinks you married out of obligation. She fell in love with you. Drew returned and you don't want to reveal your marriage. Can you imagine what she is going through caught in between you and Drew. 

She feels your pain seeing Drew close with her and baby but she can't even keep him away.

Drew doesn't know her pain but you... you know everything, still you hurt her.

She has amazing family but you brought her here far away from them. Isn't it your responsibility to take care of her? I'm not saying you don't give care but are you giving the love and care she deserves especially at this time. 

She is very strong in spite of everything she is going through, don't break her" he said 

I know all these but hearing made me realize how wrong I was. It's like slapping me into reality

"Jo didn't want you to know but I think it's time for you to know" 

"What's wrong?" I'm worried now

"Jo's condition is not good..."

"Today doctor said, baby and Jo are good and can have normal delivery... is it not true?"

"Under normal circumstances... yes but not really. She could go into labor any time if she get stressed out. Even that is fine if medical help is given immediately but if things go wrong..."

"No, nothing will happen" I don't want to think otherwise 

"Jo doesn't want Christi to go through what she is going through so she asked  me to move out of here with Christi till things are good" he said 

She thinks about everyone and I hurt her

"Jo can't share her stress with you and Drew since you both are the reasons and Jason is already guilt ridden. She shares with me mostly and Sometimes Christi. Even then she wanted us to go away thinking about our happiness.

Jo wants to go to her home..."

"This is her home" i shouted

Is she going because i said it's my room too? Everything is ours right, she is my wife. Did I make her feel otherwise?

He smiled

"I said the same to her. Let her go Henry, she needs sometime alone..."

"No, I can't..."

"It's for the best, she is getting stressed staying here. She will be fine. Morning I will inform Drew and Jason. Good night" he said and left

I can't let Jo stay alone, I will ask for forgiveness and beg her to stay. Before that I need to do something, I called Jess and asked me to meet me in the study 

She came after few minutes but I didn't know how to start

"You want me to go from here?" She asked surprising me


"I'm so happy you found your perfect match. I like Jo, she is wonderful. Drew told so much that I thought he exaggerated. She is tenacious. What's holding you Henry? Why are you both pretending, not revealing your love to Drew? Jason and Judson knows right. Is it because baby is not..." she asked 

"I may not be biological father but baby is mine and I'm married to Jo" i said 

"You married her? When?"

I told her everything from our first meet

"Don't hurt her anymore with your stupidity. Drew doesn't love her. What he feels is adoration, she pulled him from dark side. I want you all be happy, you are amazing people, Jo is nothing less" she said 

"You are wonderful person Jess. Jason will understand your love" I said 

"I booked my flight for tomorrow" she said 


"I came to see if Jason can  see me more than a friend, he doesn't. I can't stay here. My stay would hurt Jo too. I will be fine. All the best" she said leaving 

She is crying. Don't know when Jason would understand Jess. He is an idiot always falling for wrong girls leaving behind gem

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