He is Alive

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Judson's POV 

It's really Drew, he is alive.  I  couldn't believe my eyes, Drew is really alive though he didn't look good. In the first picture Drew was laying down on twin size mattress. He seemed to be beaten badly. I could see bruises even in photo. He seemed to have lost weight.

He was being carried in stretcher in the second picture with oxygen mask connected.  He is unconscious. His face, hair, dress everything looked bad. I never imagined seeing Drew in this state. I feel my heart being pinched. 

Henry fell on his knees crying seeing Drew's pictures. I sat next to him hugging. I wanted to console him but words failed. I felt as if there is lump in my throat. 

"Henry, get a grip of yourself.  We thought Drew is dead. We lived with that horrible assumption for months. He is alive, we will take care of him. He would recover in no time" I consoled him

"Did you see Drew's condition Judson.... how... he was...." Henry cried

"Drew is alive, don't think of anything else. We will fly there, I have friends in Sydney. I will ask them to check Drew's condition, they will give best medical care. We will go bring him when he could travel. In no time Drew will be back to normal. Look at the bright side Henry" I said

Henry called Mike and asked to arrange flight to Sydney. He was on phone while I called my friends to check on Drew. Steve sent the hospital location. Liam works in the same hospital and he is on duty now. Drew is in good hands.

"Our flight is at midnight" Henry said

"My friend is on duty in the same hospital Drew is been taken to. He is in good hands" I said

"Steve is sending proofs that Travis is involved in Drew's accident,  I will be meeting Mr. Rockfield(lawyer). I don't want that bastard to come out of jail tomorrow.  I will make sure all the proofs will be submitted in tomorrow's hearing" Henry said in anger

"Don't tell anyone about this till we return. Nexon is getting papers to have Jason take care of the company in my absence. Inform Jason that we are going to Australia but don't tell anything about Drew. He can't bear the guilt.  Once Drew recovers fully and take home everyone would know.  Jo's condition is also not good. She can't bear to see Drew in this condition" Henry said

I nodded. Jason is barely holding himself with the guilt. Jo's condition is not good, it's worse than I told Henry. She has placenta previous. I was hoping it's partial when Dr. Angela said on the day we discovered her pregnancy but it's not. Her BP is really high. I'm praying that it won't lead to pre-eclampsia.  We need to keep her free from stress and needs complete rest.

Her pregnancy itself started with stress. New problems are added constantly which are increasing her stress levels. Don't know what's going to happen now. I don't want to think about it, all I want is Jo wouldn't get affected badly.

I called Jason and told about our Australia trip and his responsibilities in our absence.  I didn't tell anything else though he asked.

I called Christi and asked her to come immediately and told about the situation. I don't hide anything from her. She was very happy to know Drew is alive. I asked her not to tell anyone else about it. She said, I would take off and be with Jo. Don't worry Judson, bring back Drew safely 

I went to hospital to reschedule surgeries and assigned Dr. Stewart my duties.

We boarded the flight around 11:45pm. Henry looked exhausted,  I'm in no different condition.

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