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After 5 years

Henry's POV 

Our lives are perfect, filled with happiness.  Four  of us live in this home with our spouses and children as my Pa wished. 

Christi gave birth to twin boys Austin and Aiden. They are three months younger to Anaya. Christi and Judson married in India, three months after they became parents.

Jason married Jess one year after Judson's marriage. They have three year old twins, Jayden and Jereme.

Drew is married to Vedika. They have three year old twins Daniel and Vaishnav.

Drew's marriage came as shock for us. He went to India to spend time with Pa. One week after that...


"Hi Pa, how are you?"Jo asked 

"Good Jo. How is everyone?" He asked 

"All good Pa. Where is Drew? His phone is not reachable..." 

"He went to Rajasthan with Vedika" he said 

"He went with whom?" Jo asked in shock

That alerted us. All of us were at dining table having dinner

"Why are you so shocked Jo?.

"How could you Pa? You know how she is! Did you at least warn Drew about her?" Jo asked 

"You worry too much Jo. You trust me right!" 

"Yes Pa...but"

They talked casually after that, I was worried, want to know why Jo was worried hearing her name. It's not that I don't trust Pa, he knows better.

"Who is Vedika? Why are you worried about Drew?" I asked 

"She is Shlok bhai's cousin. She is crazy" she said 

I don't know what Jo saw in my face, she laughed looking at my face

"She is very nice too. It's just that she does all crazy stuff, nothing serious though. She is very lively and adventurous.

After I graduated from high school, we all youngsters decided to go on vacation. Vedika said she will plan. She took us to remote place  in 

Kerala(a state in India). When we woke up, all our purses, cell phones were gone. She convinced us to earn our own money to enjoy spend vacation and return home.

For one week we worked in band in small hotel in that remote place. It was some different experience. 

She is like that but very kind and compassionate. She runs different NGOs for women, orphans and senior citizens.

We all thought Drew need something like that to forget the trauma. He used to get nightmares of his kidnap sometimes.

End of Flashback 

After one week Pa asked all of us to come to India, he assured us nothing serious.

We were shocked to see Drew married to Vedika. They got married in Rajasthan without informing anyone. Pa convinced her family, it was not hard since Jo is married to me. We all got them both married them again in Hindu and Christian style.

She is perfect for Drew. She made our lives more colorful with her pranks. 

We all spend at least two months in India with Jo's family which became ours truly. They too come here regularly.

Jo is heavily pregnant now. She wishes for a girl since all are boys in the family. Even Cherry and Karan have boy kids. Anaya is the eldest among all the kids but all the boys treat her like a delicate doll, protective and possessive. They don't even let Jo scold Anaya. 

Jo is frustrated that Anaya will be grown up with overprotective craziness. That's why Jo wants another baby girl.

But her wish is not going to fulfilled for now, we are going to have boy. I know but I didn't tell Jo. 

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