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Jo's POV 

I'm happy that Drew is alive. He looks weak, thin and pale. He is not muscular anymore. That doesn't matter. He is alive, I will look after him, make him healthy and strong. I can imagine the torture he would have gone through in captivity. I will bring him out of it.

Whatever happened in the morning can be sorted out,  it's just misunderstanding. I can tell Drew that I love Henry and I'm his wife.  

Now that the gap between Henry and Drew is gone, we all would be living under same roof. What else I want? Few weeks back I felt my life isn't  complete without Drew, now he is here. Nothing can give me this much happiness. I'm beyond happy and grateful to God for giving me something that I thought impossible.

But.... Somewhere in my heart I'm scared about me being pregnant with Drew's child. That thought itself is alien to me. Henry is the father of my child. 

Its very sensitive matter but nothing we can't handle together. I can explain everything to Drew, how I feel, my feelings for Henry. 

I came back to Judson's room. We were silent 

Henry and Jason came after sometime. 

"I didn't know Drew was alive, I thought it was you" I said 

"It's ok Jo" he said. I felt strange the way he said.

"Henry why are you behaving like this?" I asked 

Judson got call and he went

"I'm fine, let's keep all the things aside, Drew is important right now. We need to take care of him" he said 

"We will keep our marriage secret" Henry said 

"No" i shouted 

"We can't give stress to Drew" Henry said 

"He would be happy about us getting married, why would it stress him?" I asked 

Henry was silent 

"We will keep our marriage secret" he said firmly after sometime 

"No! It would complicate things. Please don't do this" I pleaded

"I can't let my brother hurt" he said 

"I know Drew, he would be happy. If you can't tell I will tell" I said firmly

"I don't want anyone to tell" he shouted 

"Are you crazy? How long can you hide?" I asked 

"I don't know but not now" he said 

"I will tell and that's final. What you are thinking is not right" I said 

"Do you have any idea what Drew went through?  He was given drugs, physically abused. He still gets nightmares because of that. All because of you...." Henry yelled but stopped by hard slap from Judson. Didn't notice he came back

'Because of me. Yes all because of me. Travis took revenge on Drew because of me' 

"Are you out of your mind?" Judson yelled at Henry

"I'm sorry Jo, I didn't mean that way..." Henry apologize 

"I'm responsible for everything. I shouldn't have come to US" I cried

"I'm responsible for everything Jo, not you" Jason said in agony

"Stop blaming yourself both of you. We have bigger issues here" Judson shouted 

"I'm really sorry Jo, I...." Henry tried to apologize 

"It's ok...leave it...please change your mind" I begged

He nodded no

"I want to speak to you alone" I told Henry 

"Jo is tired, take her home. Both of you can talk. We will be here" Judson said 

We both came home in my car, he was silent all the ride. I didn't know how to tell my fears

We settled in different couches and were silent. He didn't even sit next to me, not even once touched our baby. I missed him

"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Henry came to me and sat down near my knee and wiped my tears

"You hate me" I managed to get those words. I'm unable to bear this pain

He was taken back hearing me

"I don't hate you Jo, I can never. I'm really sorry for what I said. I don't mean any of those words" his words sounded honest. Still I'm scared

"Then why are you behaving like this?" I asked 

"Like what Jo. I'm the same" he said 

"You are distancing yourself from me ever since you went to Australia, barely spoke to me. Do you have any idea how I was holding? I feel suffocated.

I don't even know how to put in words.

First time when we met in flight, I didn't feel you as stranger. After eight months I saw you again not knowing you were the one I met on flight, at that time also i didn't feel you as stranger. Unexpectedly we got married, I tried avoiding you but you were always good to me. Even before our wedding you were so close to me.

Even as strangers I felt you so close. Now you are acting like stranger. I'm unable to bear this. 

I spent this month like hell, waiting for you. I couldn't sleep without you. Not even once you hugged me, kissed our baby. We both missed you so much" I poured my heart

I got up from couch, Henry too got up

"Look" i said pointing my stomach. 

"Jo..." he spoke in amazement looking at my stomach.  It's grown so big in this one month.

He caressed my stomach and baby kicked hard

"Baby..." he said 

"Baby kicks really hard, she doesn't let me sleep  unless I speak to you. You didn't even talk to me properly. I have to talk about you to make her sleep" I smiled remembering how my little football player calms down after talking about Henry

He hugged me lightly because my little one is grown so big. I feel like heaven in his arms.

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