I wasn't there...

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Henry's POV 

Judge delivered the verdict, Travis was sentenced for total of 80 years with possibility of parole after 35 years for everything he did...for attempted rape on Jo twice, threatened to kill Jo's baby. We have video evidences. For trying  to destroy my company, we tracked absconding traitors used them as evidence in exchange for not pressing charges on them.

We have plenty of evidence for kidnapping and torturing Drew. Unfortunately there is no evidence that he tried to kill Christi.

When Judge was delivering verdict In Kathy's case, Ethan came and told Jo is admitted in hospital. I left the court room with Jason. Why didn't Jo call me? Oh shit! I don't have phone with me, I left in the car. 

We got into the car and called Drew, his phone is not reachable. I called Mike

"Mr. Hansford, I tried calling you..."

"How is Jo?" I asked 

"Dr. Angela is checking" he said 

"What happened?" I asked. I hope nothing happened

"She said something like water broke..."

"Water broke?" I shouted. No it can't be

"No Mr. Hansford, nurse told me something like mucus plug came, she is not in labor now" he said

"My phone is in silence, there are missed calls from Drew and Mike" Jason said 

I shouldn't have left her. She asked me to stay, I wasn't reachable when she needed me. There are 10 missed calls from her. I stepped on accelerator hard.

"Jo will be fine, don't worry" Jason said 

"She asked me to stay home today, she never asked before. My fault, I can't forgive myself..."

"She is fine, pull over the car Henry. You are not in a condition to drive. Don't argue" he said 

He is right, I pulled over and he took the steering 

We reached hospital in fifteen minutes but it seemed like hours. Judson was waiting outside the theatre.

"Where is Jo? Why are you here?" I asked 

"Dr. Angela is inside, don't worry. Baby descended, she had pain. Jo isn't in labor... we can delay few more days, if lucky weeks" he said 

"Delivery? It's too early, there is still five more weeks" 

"It's ok Henry, don't worry. She is the best gynecologist" 

After sometime, Dr. Angela came out. 

"Josna is fine, her mucous plug came. I could see thinning of cervix. I want to delay as much as possible, I gave tycolytics and steroids. It's good that Mr. Anderson came in time and calmed her. Her BP was very high, I got scared. Keep her on bed all the time and absolutely no stress" she said

We went inside. Jo is sleeping and Drew was sitting holding her hand and other hand on her belly. He has tears in his eyes.

As soon as he saw us he came running and hugged me

"I saw baby...

She is so small... tiny hands, legs... fingers...hair... she was sucking thumb..." he said emotionally 

It seemed he isn't able to find words to describe how he feels. It's the same way I feel every time I see baby. Why is it hurting me seeing him in happy tears?

We were silent.

Jo got conscious after half an hour. 

"Baby" she mumbled holding her belly

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