Days not Weeks?

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Jo's POV

Today is final hearing of Travis trial. I don't know why, I'm not feeling good. I want to be with Henry but he has important meeting and then the court hearing.

I asked him to stay with me but I know he has to go. Being alone after wonderful long weekend is depressing. I went to kitchen to get juice, suddenly I felt weird, pain, wet between my legs. Did my water broke? I got panicked.

I called Henry, he didn't pick my call. I tried several times but he didn't pick. I'm scared right now. Even Judson didn't take my call. I called Drew. His PA picked

"Mr. Anderson is in important meeting" he said

"I need to talk to Drew" i said

"One minute Josna, I will give" he said

He knows me well

"Jo, what's wrong?" Drew asked

"I'm scared Drew, come home..."

"I'm coming, don't worry, what happened?"

"I'm having pain, I think my water broke, I don't know... I feel wet..."

"Don't panic... it would take so much time for me to come there and take you to hospital. I will ask Mike to take you to hospital, I will come there directly" he said

"I'm scared Drew, I feel baby down in my pelvis..."

"Don't cry and make it worse. I'm going to call Mike now. Stay calm" he said

I tried to compose myself but I'm failing. Mike came in couple of minutes. He carried me and placed in car. He tried calling everyone, no one picked

"He called Dr. Angela and informed my condition"

"Stay calm Josna, we almost reached hospital" he said

We reached hospital, I was taken into room. I'm scared right now. Drew didn't come yet

"Your mucus plug came, baby came down..."

"Baby is coming now? No, five more weeks for due..." I screamed

"Calm down Josna, baby is not coming now"

"You want me to stay calm! How can I?" I shouted

"Jo"it's Drew

I held his hands

"Save my baby Drew, she is saying mucus plug came... how can baby come now... save my baby"

"You need to calm down Josna" Dr.Angela said

"Jo, I'm right here. I will not let anything happen to you or baby. You trust me right" he said holding my hand

I nodded

"Close your eyes and relax" he said

I closed my eyes

"What should we do now Doctor?" He asked

"I will give her would suppress contractions and delay labor for few days...and steroids for baby's lungs to mature. She is 33 weeks... so it should be ok 

"She would be feeling drowsy, nauseous... that should be fine..." she said

Few days? It should be weeks not days

"Jo, don't worry... everything will be fine" Drew said 

"Let's check the baby first, I will do ultrasound" she said

"I will wait outside" Drew said

"No, don't leave me... please stay" I asked

He sat next to me holding my hand.

Seeing baby calmed me. My little girl is sucking her thumb.

I looked at Drew, he has happy tears looking at my baby. That's how I felt when I saw first time

"baby has lot of hair, I'm sure she will have beautiful hair like you Josna. Baby is 6.7 pounds... it's good. Many babies weigh that much at birth" Dr. Angela said

"Really? My baby is fine right" I asked

"Absolutely" she said

She gave me two injections. "Wait for sometime" she said 

"I feel drowsy already" I said 

"You are exhausted after panicking a lot,  sleep it's ok. Please keep your BP in control Josna. It's really hard to calm you down" she advised

I smiled

Drew's POV

Today is final court hearing. I don't go to the trial, seeing Travis, triggers me. I went twice, when I was needed. Henry and Jason usually attends.

Im in important meeting. My PA said, Josna wants to talk to me. She wouldn't interrupt In meeting unless it's emergency. I excused myself and took the call.

I was scared hearing her condition but I controlled my emotions to keep her calm. I asked Mike to take Jo to hospital, canceled meeting saying it's emergency.

I tried calling Henry, Jason and Judson. No one took calls. I called Henry's security and asked him to inform Henry that Jo's condition is not good and is admitted in hospital. I left voice mail for Judson. He might be in surgery.

I reached hospital, Jo is panicking. I calmed her. 

Doctor did ultrasound. I saw Baby for the first time... it's amazing feeling seeing the baby. I can't put in words how I feel.

Jo slept from exhaustion and medicine. Dr. Angela went out. I sat holding Jo's hand

Henry, Judson and Jason  are after few minutes

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