Travis Revenge

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Judson's POV 

"How bad is it? I know you were holding for Henry" I asked. I could see lack of drugs in his system is affecting him badly. That's one of the reasons I sent away Henry

Drew started to cry. I hugged him

"It's worst than alcohol" he said

"Liam will be here any moment. I will talk to him, medication will help you. Your will power is great. You will be out of it in no time" I consoled 

"I feel like crying, it's depressing. Since I woke up its been terrible, I could barely hold myself" he said

"I know, no need to be embarrassed.  I'm very proud of you. You didn't want Henry to know your pain. I too want him to know as little as possible.  He suffered so much. Since your disappearance he was on toes, with emotional stress,, work load and company's situation.  He knew someone is after us, I can imagine how stressful it would have been. Never shared it with any of us but did everything to keep us safe. 

It's been 4 months, still he has Steve investigate your accident.  There were no clues but he didn't give up. His determination to find the culprit and get punished is the reason we could save you. I can't imagine otherwise. 

He suspected Kathy from the beginning and got her followed but she is smart, knew that so she didn't do anything stupid. I can't imagine what she would have done if not for Henry. He was always with Jo and protected her.

Kathy got everyone of us away from Jo when Henry was away. That's how Travis could get her alone. Jo was so shaken....." I shuddered at the memory of Jo at the edge of panic attack. Immediately I regretted telling. I wanted to keep Drew engaged in the conversation to distract but this information is too much.

"I want to kill those two..." Drew screamed and immediately yelled in pain. His ribs would have been problem.

"Don't move suddenly. Everything is over now. We got you back, we all are safe" I tried to calm him 

"How is Jo, it happened few days ago right. You left her alone. Did her family know?" Drew asked 

"She is strong, we all were with her. Jason and Christi are there. Christi took off from work, staying with Jo. Jason might be busy but he is staying with her" 

"How did Jason take it" he asked 

"He was uncontrollable, drowned in guilt knowing what we all went through especially Jo and would have been impossible to calm him if Jo was not in pain ..." oh god! What did I tell 

"What pain? Did she get hurt" he asked worriedly 

"She got up suddenly to console Jason and got her ankle sprained. We took her to hospital, she would be running now" I tried to joke. I don't know from where these endless lies are coming. I didn't know I could lie this much. I'm not Jo to not lie at all, I do lie occasionally which is quite common.

"What did they do to Christi"

"They almost caused Christi's accident, nothing happened. She is all good and the baby too" I said 

"Judson, please don't hide. Tell me the truth, is everyone really fine?" 

"I promise everyone is safe. Christi and Jo took off from work and staying home. Jason is taking care of the company. We are here. Nothing to worry" I assured him

"How did Travis get you?" I asked not wanting to lie more

"I was returning from work late night. I had last minute work, next morning was my flight. One car over took mine and stopped in front of me. Two cars stopped behind blocking me. Around 7-8 people came with guns and made me get down at gunpoint, they sedated me.

I was in a room when I  opened my eyes. After two days Travis came, I was tied to chair


Drew's POV 

"You" I shouted 

Travis laughed maniacally 

"Did you think I will leave you after what you have done to me? No one ever raised voice on me. You treated me like a shit in the name of training, humiliated, beat me, kicked me. I will have everyone pay. 

I will make all your lives hell. 

I will keep you alive, torture till you are ruined and kill you when I'm satisfied. 

You think you protected that bitch? I will have her my way, destroy her in every way. I know how to deal with Judson, I will make him wish for death. Finally Jason will kill himself feeling responsible for everything happened to you all" he said laughing 

"How dare you coward, you don't have guts to face us directly and kidnapped me. Jason and Judson are strong. You would never touch Jo. I will kill you bastard" I shouted but my voice is weak 

"I pity you Drew, you can't even rise your voice. Since two days you didn't eat anything, you are at my mercy. I'm kind enough to give you water and you want to kill me?

How are you planning to kill me? I will keep you alive and torture you. I will show how I destroyed your loved ones and then kill you. Till then enjoy my torture.

He took whip and started to hit me. I fainted.

End of Flashback 

When I woke up food was there, I know he wants to keep me alive and wouldn't poison me so I ate. I felt weird. I don't remember anything after that.  When I was conscious I understood food was mixed with drugs. 

Travis wanted to ruin me with drugs, if I don't eat they would give it some other way. I started to flush the food and pretend to act weird and sleep.  They were giving one meal a day. 

I had to keep myself alive and escape somehow and warn you about Travis. I started to eat once in 3 days. I tried to escape twice, I was discovered and beaten very badly. They started to give food once it 2 days, it didn't matter. 

Travis came twice after that.  First time he was very happy and said he ruined everything, boasted himself and showed me video of himself making out with Kathy and her conversation that she loves Travis and is in our company to ruin us. 

It was disgusting. I beat him blue and black till his goons came. He couldn't even get up. I was sedated. 

Next time when he came he was frustrated,  he beat me with whip. He was screaming "I wanted to ruin you all, that bastard and that bitch ruined my plans. Don't know you have a brother" and he cursed Henry so much. Unknowingly he praised Henry so much using words like tough nut, can't do anything with him around 

I understood Henry came back and everything is good. It gave me peace.

He didn't come after that. I think he was scared that Henry would relate my accident to him. 

I don't know what happened last week, Travis was beyond anger. He made the goons beat me badly, that's how my ribs were broken" Drew said painfully 

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