s/o with a life source quirk [request]

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Anonymous asked:

hi! may i please request something with todoroki, bakugou, and midoriya (you can remove or add anyone you'd want tbh, but please keep todoroki 😔 i love reading your works!) with a s/o that has a quirk like golden experience (the stand from jojo's bizzare adventures: golden wind)?

basically, what golden experience can do is give an endless amount energy and life to basically everything it touches. like for example, golden experience can turn a brick into a snake, turn random inanimate objects into body parts for healing purposes, and can cause a flower to bloom faster, and make it's full cycle.

it's a versatile power, but basically if reader had this power, they could give life to everything they touch (if that makes sense.)

i read your rules, so i hope this was okay, and understandable 😭 i tried to explain golden experience to the best of my abilities. anyways, i hope you have a great day/night! there's no rush, so please take as much time as you need.

thank you in advance!

featuring: bakugo, todoroki, shinso and amajiki

admittedly, i have yet to watch an jojo series but i did a little more research on golden experience and it is an interesting power for sure. thanks for the request and enjoy ;)

bakugo had never really thought of healing as a power. of course, it's useful but nothing as formidable as explosions. it also uses up way too much of your energy so it really didn't seem practical for hero work. one time he got moderately injured trying to save you during a partner combat training. he took a pretty hard hit but he distracted the villain long enough that you were able to escape. little did he know, you actually have an ability to reconstruct flesh and organs from inanimate objects, such as the knife that was stuck in his side. he had never been more awestruck watching you tend to him, trying to suppress the fact that the golden glow from your power flatters your facial features. he was really a goner from that moment on and felt remorse for ever thinking so harshly of you, it's almost a miracle that you agreed to date him. however, despite all the cool things your quirk can do, he absolutely hates when you animate some of his things like turning his gauntlets into tortoises...

todoroki had underestimated your ability much like bakugo when he first met you. with no finesse or drive he wasn't particularly worried about you surpassing him. however, observing you create life from inanimate objects contradicted his previous prejudices. it wasn't just a one-off either, you seemed to be able to create energy and life from nothing with you as its main source. you were seemingly able to harness enough power for prolonged periods without burnout effects from your quirk. it didn't really make much sense to him and he felt he had to investigate more closely. this was around the time that he was trying to make more friends and you were easygoing enough to easily let him in. he wanted nothing more than to learn everything about you. of course, that was a trap for falling in feelings for you. he finally understood what drives your power from observing your lively spirit. his favorite animation you've done is turning one of his larger ice blocks into a swan.

shinso had taken a lot of interest in your quirk as its fundamental properties contradict those of his own power. you can save people with the energy or life you provide whereas he has to get creative with his own approach. if anything, you were more interested in him and how he uses his resources to make the hero in him happen. you're very gracious and not at all overbearing which was comforting to him. however, he couldn't understand why you were interested in even associating yourself with him. he'd never had much experience with 'true friends' as most of them believed that he would try to brainwash them. one day, he had cut himself during training and you insisted on helping him by trying to heal it with a few blades of grass. he had no idea how that would work but you simply pressed them into his bleeding skin, your hand glowing gold over top. soon there was no more pain, it felt as if a permanent bandage had been placed over top. he was amazed to find out that you had healed the wound completely as if nothing had happened. this was a moment he would never forget, even years into your romantic relationship.

amajiki almost wishes he had your quirk. it's not nearly as weird or compromising as his own but he figures that he's worked so hard to use his power that why hate it? you seem to have a strong but at the same time, gentle power which is what drew him to you. he's not the most positive person in the world, leaving him to think that his likeability as a hero would be on the low end. you, on the other hand, are a beam of light like your golden power, radiating hope for people everywhere. it was like you were destined to be, at least, a memorable hero if not one of the top ones. he wasn't very confident in his ability to get you to notice him, taking a lot of time to figure out what to say and say to say it. he still stutters and stumbles over his words to this day, even after being with you for some time now. he always smiles when flowers sprout up in the most random of places but it lets him know that you're always nearby, giving him the strength to be his best.  

originally posted 14 April 2022

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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