their quirkless and strong s/o [request]

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Anonymous asked:

hi!! if requests are still open, can you maybe do midoriya, bakugo, and shinso meeting mc who's like maki zenin? like theyd be quirkless but theyre unnaturally strong bc of what a heavenly restriction is in the bnha verse?

featuring: midoriya, bakugo, and shinso


he'd be able to relate to your situation because, at one point, he was powerless. however, he wouldn't use that word to describe you at all. you may not have a named quirk but you're physically very strong and your resilient personality aligns with that strength. he remembers how weak and helpless he felt when he wanted to be a hero but didn't have a power of his own. you are exactly the opposite and seem to embrace your differences from others.

- upon meeting you, he'd want to know everything about you and your seemingly 'phantom quirk.' not because he wants to know your weaknesses but rather that he's truly interested, just as he is with everyone else's abilities. as far as he was concerned, your only weakness seemed to be that you don't have a quirk but it was clear that you'd overcome that long ago.

- watching you fight is truly a spectacle for him because you've got strength, agility, and use special weapons during combat that only you can use. your close combat skills were easily the best which wasn't all that surprising. he couldn't imagine how many hours you had trained to get to this level and to show everyone who said it couldn't be done that you could be a hero.

- he was absolutely over the moon when you began dating. you really bonded over your experiences with having to adapt to your situations. you liked that he really listened to you and found it endearing that he would remember the littlest things that you had told him, even things that you don't remember telling him. he appreciates all the encouragement and guidance that you give him as he navigates his path to becoming the world's greatest hero. the only caveat is he hasn't told you all about one for all and that's what kills him. he wanted you to be the first to know his secret and he can only hope that you'll understand once the time comes for him to explain himself.


at first, he'd only see you as a weak and quirkless loser with baseless confidence that you could be a hero. if there's anything he hates more, it's people who think they can do the impossible. how could people call him arrogant when you're doing too much with your useless 'power.' like, your power was actually useless, how are you going to be a hero. in his mind, there was no way and you'd be severely injured or dead in a short matter of time.

- he really just thought you were a cheater because you had all of these weapons and support items that were made specifically to give you a leg up in battle. you would just say that he was a hypocrite because of those bulky gauntlets that he uses. he counters with, "these were specially made for me, someone who's not a quirkless loser. now GO DIE!" unfortunately, you had already been two steps ahead and smacked him from behind with your staff, propelling him forward and onto the ground. everyone was amazed as it seemed like no one could shake his guarded nature.

- he had to admit that maybe you weren't so weak and fragile after all. it just made him want to challenge you more and more but pretty much every time he fought you, you put him on his butt each time. he was frustrated beyond belief, especially over the fact that someone with no real power was beating him; he couldn't let that happen. there was one day that he finally got the drop on you, effectively blasting you onto your back. then you did the most annoying and embarrassing thing by congratulating him and holding out your hand for him to shake. he took it begrudgingly, your strong grip nearly breaking his hand.

- in the end, he decided that it would be better to have you on his side. it's just embarrassing that he actually developed feelings for you and he's dating you. regardless of whether you're together or not, he'll never stop challenging you to a fight...or worshipping the ground you walk on.


he wouldn't really have an opinion about you but he does envy you. sometimes he wishes he didn't have a quirk at all if given the choice between that and the one he has now. even if you don't have power, you're still more eligible than him to become a hero given how strong and capable you are. but he figured that if someone like you can have faith in your abilities, there's no reason why he shouldn't believe in himself.

- for as long as he could remember, others always made sure he was aware of the rather incriminating things he could do with his power. the discouraging was that they weren't wrong. he could be a villain if he wanted. but he chose not to because that would just satisfy everyone else's opinions of him and so he wanted to prove them wrong. hearing about a quirkless student in the hero course pushed him to be able to show that he could also be capable of becoming a hero.

- when he first met you, he thought that there was something about you that was appealing. you were tough and didn't let other people walk all over you and you never seemed to let discouragement get to you. like him, you used several support items during combat but your close combat alone was already enough to take anyone out. watching you fight was unlike anything he had ever seen before and also, you were very pretty. he had only realized this after you had told him that you don't consider yourself to be without a quirk but rather born with a restriction that only made you stronger.

- somehow, someway, he had ended up working up enough courage to ask you to go out on a date with him and he doesn't regret that one bit. he loves being with you and feeling like he finally has someone to relate to but can learn a lot from also. he thought you were so cute when he was teaching you how to use his binding cloth and you got all tangled up in it. now he really had a reason to become a hero; to be your hero hopefully one day. 

originally posted 19 Sept 2021

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