cooking/baking with their s/o

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featuring: todoroki, bakugo, kaminari, shinso, and amajiki

todoroki is not the best at cooking on his own but he tries because he knows his sister won't be around forever to make his favorite soba dish. he's determined to learn how to do it on his own with some supervision, of course. you got him into pinterest not too long ago after you showed him your traveling board so he's been searching high and low on there for recipes that seem doable for him. expect him to blow up your phone with the ones that he finds and wants to try or to ask your opinion if it would be a good one. when he's with you in person and shows one to you, he's so cute with how he holds his phone out for you to see while tilting his head to the side, asking if you like it. the actual cooking part with him isn't hard at all as he's very attentive and careful. sometimes he doesn't always understand what the recipe is asking but that happens more often with baking. one time a recipe called to separate egg whites so he moved the eggs far away from the other ingredients. he didn't understand what part of the egg was the whites, other than the shell but he thought what he was doing was weird. he doesn't mind having you laugh at his expense as your smile is more valuable to him than his ego being harmed from a simple mistake.

bakugo takes pride (as he does with everything else) in being a decent cook. his mother didn't raise him to be a clueless deadbeat of a man so he's not about to let his skill go to waste. you think it's great that he's able to cook so well but like to tease him by saying stuff like, "what's cookin, good lookin?" you always offer to help him but he just tells you to sit down and be quiet while he works because he doesn't need you hurting yourself. it's not that he doesn't trust you, he's really just nervous that you're going to attempt to chop vegetables as quickly as he does and he'll turn around to see you with a finger hanging off. he'd rather just have you sit and watch him and occasionally taste stuff for him. he finds that to be one of the more intimate parts of your relationship as he doesn't let just anyone in the kitchen while he's cooking. don't ask him to bake anything because he won't. he thinks it's in a different league than cooking and frankly, somewhat emasculating. you're probably a better baker than him, anyway. he'd rather watch great british baking show with you and make his usual snide remarks and laugh at the judges' reactions to some of the more ambitious creations.

kaminari knows next to nothing about cooking and can get overly ambitious. he watched ratatouille with you one time and now he thinks he could be the next Gustavo. he's the type to think that recipes are only to suggest and not instruct on how to make something. you decide to humor him and let him take the lead on making a basic curry, twice, to which one was too salty and the other was very, very spicy. it's amusing to see him try to eat what he's made but even he can't ignore that he sucks at cooking. he's not bitter about you helping him because at least then he could eat something edible and besides, the sous chef title sounds way cooler than head chef. he's got a major sweet tooth so he loves when you bake something, especially your famous chocolate chip cookies. one time he agreed to take out a batch when they were done and he forgot about it so they burned to a crisp. he didn't know if he was more disappointed in himself for forgetting or the fact that the cookies were now ruined. he is now adamant about watching those cookies to make sure they don't burn and so he enjoy them with you.

shinso takes great interest in cooking and baking, as the old saying goes, "cooking is an art, baking is a science." he's a natural at cooking and has a lot of common sense and responsibility when using appliances. he likes making up his own recipes or adding in certain spices for a bit of his own special touch. he's a big fan of aromatic dishes that have a lot of flavors and uses a lot of garlic, lemongrass, and scallions. he loves when he gets to cook with you because he can actually taste the love with which it was made. unfortunately, baking doesn't come as easily to him. he finds it weird that yeast is a live organism that goes into bread and you have to let it rise; it just seems like a lot. however, he's up for a challenge and likes to experiment with different ingredients, quickly learning that substituting out different items or using more or less of one can yield different results. as long as he can taste the sweetness on your lips after you've enjoyed the treats together, he doesn't care what it takes to make it.

amajiki wants to be able to cook a good meal for you but can't get past using the microwave. he's a bit apprehensive about anything to do with the stove which is understandable. he more so enjoys the preparation parts of cooking or baking such as marinating meat, separating egg whites, or adding spices. whenever you're cooking something in a frying pan, popping the oil in the pan scares him a little so he tries to face his fear while also keeping a safe distance. he's seen you accidentally burn yourself from touching something hot and he can't imagine the kind of pain that it caused. he was so worried about you and watched as it turned into a small scar, kissing the spot every day so that it could heal faster. he's always felt that taking care of you is where he truly shines in the relationship. he finds baking to be somewhat less stressful and loves to help with any decorating and tasting, of course. when the holidays or a special occasion comes around, he enjoys building gingerbread houses or decorating a cake or cookies with you. when he wanted to make you your favorite dessert for your birthday, he needed some assistance from mirio and nejire but he wanted to make sure it was perfect and sweet, just like you. 

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