meet-cute with an idol gf [request]

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anonymous asked:

can i have a jirou x fem (or gn) reader who's an idol? jirou is a fan of her music and one day, she does that performer thing with making one in the audience sing, and it's jirou, n since jirou got pogger skillz reader is blown away!

thanks if you even read this, you can make this a oneshot or a headcanon, you can decide:>

featuring: jiro (x fem!idol!reader)

of course! also, i love that you used the word 'pogger' lol enjoy :)

- jiro likes a variety of different music but yours stood out to her the most

- it made her feel very empowered and she just really liked your versatile style and sound

- it was very 'poggers,' as kaminari would say

- she had covered a lot of your songs on her youtube channel but she felt like nothing could compare to how you do it

- despite being into music, she was never really a concert goer but she had been dying to go to one of your shows

- she was lucky enough to win a radio concert prize of two front row seats to your next show

- she decided to take mina with her to the show because mina's a lot of fun and can enjoy anything, even if she's not too familiar with your music

- while she does own some (or a lot) of your merch, she opts to wear an outfit that she likes and is similar to your style

- getting to the venue, it felt surreal that she was a guard rail away from where you would be performing

- it's one of those weird feelings you have when you finally see someone, whom you've only seen through a screen, in-person and it confirms that they actually exist

- she was so excited and almost anxious for the show to start

- even when the opening act came out, she felt nervous

- then when you finally started your set, it was amazing

- you were one of those performers who were even better live, even when she watched live performances on youtube

- towards the middle of your set, you always had someone from the audience come up and sing your most popular song with you

- mina, knowing that she is, like, your biggest fan, went crazy to have you pick her

- of course, she was shy about singing in front of others so you asked her if she knew the song

- and she couldn't say no because why would she be at your show if she didn't?

- she eventually got up on stage with you and she was visibly nervous at first, fumbling with her earphone jacks like she would

- but you made her feel very comfortable and didn't speak to her through the microphone

- you asked her for her name and where she was from then you complimented her jacket

- you were just as she had always perceived you: cool, kind, and funny

- once you introduced her to the crowd and the music got going, she got that same feeling that she did when she performed at the school festivals and ended up singing her heart out

- you were really amazed at how good she was and it sparked some recognition in you

- once the song was over, you took her backstage with you during the intermission

- you asked her if she had a youtube channel and once she said yes, you said you knew she sounded familiar to you

- you invite her to hang out after the show and jiro could swear that she nearly blacked out

- needless to say, it was a very good night and there would be many more to come with you <3

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