random cute habits they do that their s/o finds endearing

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featuring: todoroki, jiro, shinso, amajiki, and hado

feeling some type of way over s5, anyone else? i'm starting at a new job this week, wish me luck! enjoy. x


that look he has when you can literally see the gears turning in his head

- it literally looks like ._.

- it's a bonus if his mouth quirks up into a small grin moments after

- you just think that he looks so precious with his soft features and pretty eyes

- it's a stark contrast from when you first met him and he always looked angry

- it's fun to watch him doing something from afar and have that curious but also clueless expression on his face

- finding him in the midst of trying to cook or clean something are quite the spectacles for you

- one time you found him trying to tidy up your shared room and once it looked a bit more presentable he stopped to look around at your little things on top of the dresser

- he picks up your favorite scent to wear and examines it with those eyes of his

- you have to giggle at the slightly perplexed look on his face

- he uncaps it and sniffs and his face goes from ._. to :o once he recognizes the scent

- he fumbles with it a little more and ends up spraying it in his face, causing him to cough

- you decide that you can no longer stand by and watch him so you act like you're just entering the room

- he's still coughing as you greet him, asking what he's doing then compliment the smell coming off of him

- "i like it *cough* a lot better on you, my love."

- then he gives you that cute grin that you love so much before leaning in to kiss him

- or what would've been a kiss until he pulls away abruptly to sneeze

- his nose is red, probably still congested with the strong smell

- he apologizes for sneezing so close to you but you just grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom where he can take a steaming hot bath

- if there's anything you love more than his cute face, it's when he looks like he needs some attention (which is basically all the time)


- she has a habit of twirling her earphone jacks around her fingers

- and she'll click the tips together when she's nervous

- it was one of the first things you noticed about her, other than her badass style

- it was cute how shy she could be when you've known her to be someone who speaks up to defend herself or others

- which is why she would be a great hero :')

- that's another endearing thing about her: she's a hero and that's all

- she will personally make sure that female heroes will always rank in the top ten

- although she sometimes believes that she's not much help in certain situations, you make sure she knows that she inspires you every day

- that makes her blush and play with her ear jacks as she modestly brushes you off

- you always tell her that it's not fair that she gets to compliment you so much meanwhile she hates taking compliments from you

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