where they like to kiss

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featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, shinso, amajiki and dabi

other than your lips, where do they like to leave kisses? fluff but dabi's gets a lil spicy

midoriya is a classic cheek kisser. he can't help but shower your cute face with kisses, never leaving just one. he likes to cradle one cheek with one hand while he presses one, two, three, four...it could go on. however many he decides, the last one is always obnoxiously long and leaves a loud smack against your skin but you love it nonetheless. his favorite part is pulling away to see the warmth in your eyes and smile....and your face.

bakugo is a neck kisser, for sure. he likes to tease you a bit with the kisses he peppers up and down your neck. he does it to get back at you for pointing out his flushed cheeks by pulling you close and hiding his face in your neck. he cradles the back of your head, keeping you close as you tilt back, giving him more opportunity. he'll press one final kiss to wherever he ends up, either the base of your throat or behind your ear, before slowly coming back into your field of vision, his nose brushing over your skin. his red eyes never sparkle more than after he's kissed you.

todoroki will not hesitate to press light kisses to your hand or the inside of your wrist. he's not the most affectionate, but holding your hand was his starting point, slowly evolving into kissing the back of your hand after reaching for it. there's something really endearing about the way he'll place his hand over top of yours as you gingerly caress his cheek, before turning his face slightly to brush his lips over your palm. the best part comes after, when he turns to look back at you, his small grin drawing you in closer to him.

kirishima loves to place his lips anywhere on your head, whether it be your forehead, temple or just the very crown, where he likes to nuzzle his face into your hair. these kisses are apart of his everyday affections, as he greets you with a smooch on the forehead and a quick peck on the temple when he leaves. when he really missed you or knows he's going to miss you, he puts his kisses on extra, if that were even possible. he'll cradle the sides of your head, lips brushing against your forehead as he speaks before pressing one long kiss to your skin. he never misses a chance to be your wholesome manly man.

kaminari will catch the corner of your lips instead of your whole mouth when he goes to kiss you. it's a bit of an inside joke between you, a reference to how clumsy he was when he first kissed you. he was so full of excited jitters and just went for it, turning his head too far. he was left wondering why you weren't kissing back, instead met with your giggles before you caressed his cheek to pull him in for second try. now it's just something he does purposefully, and it never fails to make you smile. and your smile is contagious to him.

shinso likes to leave kisses on the corner of your eye, more on the top of your cheekbone. it's an interesting spot, but it's more intimate than one would think. he is someone who pays attention to the little things, like the way your pupils dilate after he pulls away from kissing so close to your eye. your eyes are so beautiful to him and his heart nearly stops from being in such close proximity. he can't help but brush his thumb gently over the spot where his lips once were moments ago, his eyes never leaving yours. time feels like it slows down whenever he kisses you, leaving you absolutely breathless.

amajiki would be a cute cheek kisser like midoriya, as it was the spot where he first kissed you. but he also thinks you look so cute when you scrunch up your face after he presses his lips to the tip of your nose. you resemble a little bunny whenever you do it, which only draws him closer to you to rub his nose affectionately with yours. he is not one for public affection so he looks forward to every moment he gets alone with you. he just enjoys seeing your cute reactions whenever he kisses you, for you cannot see them for yourself.

dabi would definitely tease you by kissing and sometimes biting your neck like bakugo. but he goes further with those antics in that he loves kissing your hips and thighs. he'll clasp his warm hands around your hips, pinning you down onto whatever surface while never missing a chance to grab handfuls of plush skin. it's best if you're laying down with your legs nearly bare, so he can fit his head right between your thighs and start placing open mouthed kisses on your hips, making his way down to your thighs. he will press your leg into his face so he can sink his teeth in, getting a taste of you. i will combust if i write more of this

originally posted 3 Jan 2021

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