their love language

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featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, shinso, amajiki, and dabi

thinking about adding some ladies to the list and writing one like this for them..

midoriya is the best at receiving gifts. it's as much fun for you to give them to him as it is for him to get them from you. he is someone who is forever grateful for any and all effort that's made towards him. like everyone who's helped him to achieve his dream, he can't thank you enough. he tries his best to reciprocate to every gift you give him, whether it be new all might merch or a new design you drew for his hero costume. he pays close attention to your love language and researches how he can give love back to you. every relationship is a mutual effort to him and he could never leave you hanging. he'll return the gesture and your smile alone feels like a gift. at the end of the day though, you're his favorite gift he's ever received.

bakugo is as stubborn, brash, and stand-offish as they come. it's almost like he doesn't have a love language. however, he quietly realizes how much he needs you in his life with all the acts of service you do for him. he used to hate when you would touch his stuff or try to help him with anything. there was one day when he didn't have time to wash his hero costume before hero work. he hates wearing dirty clothes, especially ones that he sweats a lot in. but then he finds it hung up in his closet, clean and ready to go, with a note attached from you. you washed it just how he likes, with no fabric softener and lots of stain remover. when he finds you later, he simply gives you a big hug and thanks you. now he only trusts you with things likes that and loves you more for it.

todoroki finds simple enjoyment in spending any quality time with you. you have the type of relationship where it's comfortable to sit in a room together and doing your own little thing, although he prefers snuggling up and listening to you talk. he's also a big fan of weekend getaways and you don't really mind where and neither does he, as long as you're with one another. unfortunately, there are times where your schedules might be out of sync or you're both so busy you barely get much time together. there had been several nights where you'd return late and he'd still try to be awake to greet you, even if he had to be up early the next morning. a compromise for a day to do nothing comes so he doesn't miss out on any much-needed time with you.

kirishima could be an even tie across all five honestly, or at least be in between two. but if one stood out the most, it'd be words of affirmation. he's never short in giving praise to others, especially you. he's not insecure but oftentimes, he doesn't give himself enough credit for the things he does, whether in be in hero work or in your relationship. he tries so incredibly hard and you take responsibility to let him know that every day because he deserves to hear it just as much. his eyes were filled with tears the first time you told him how much he means to you and how he's everything you wanted. the feeling is mutual, maybe even more than mutual, but he loves that you're his s/o. his heart is full of love and he's happy that he has someone to share that with.

kaminari loves, without a doubt, feeling physically close to you. he could never get enough of holding you, hugging you, kissing you, gently caressing you. anything that allows him to show physical affection, he's there for it. he was never really shy about wanting to hold you or kiss you, but he always made sure you were comfortable with it, especially if you're a little slow to warm up to physical touch. you love that he's so caring and attentive with his touch. he loves any kind of snuggles or nuzzles from you and it's so relaxing that sometimes he feels like his brain will fry from how lovesick he feels. his favorite form of physical touch involves cuddling under a warm, fuzzy blanket with you. it soothes him and you look so cute and comfy that he has to pull you closer.

shinso prefers quality time over anything. with you, he feels no stress, no judgment, no need to wish he were someone else. he wants to make you feel the same because your love is so unconditional for him, he doesn't know what he did to deserve it. you make everything so easy that he never has to worry. there was once a time when he had doubts about your trust in him, but you've shown him that you truly care about him and that was the push he needed to be able to fully love you. he likes going out on dates with you, his favorite place being a cat cafe, where he gets to see you love something as much as he does. his favorite pastime, though, is simply laying in bed with you and just looking at you, admiring how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you.

amajiki can be hard on himself a lot so words of affirmation from you feel like a gift to him. he doesn't realize how amazing he truly is and he deserves to hear it straight. he used to not be so great at taking compliments, especially from you. he would shy away or stutter that you can't actually be saying this to him. it wasn't until he actually felt good about something he did and felt accomplished because of it that he realized you love him no matter what. it didn't matter whether he felt good or bad about himself, you were always there for him to tell him that he's doing great and making a difference in the world. you are the best thing that's happened to him and he tries to not take it for granted. he wants to hug you and never let you go because that's how much you mean to him.

dabi doesn't seem like he'd have a love language either. he couldn't understand why you stuck around when everything about him is going straight to hell. however, he cannot deny that he likes to be physically near you. you are the one beautiful thing in his life of torment and he feels he needs to cherish that. he's not the best at looking after someone, nor has he been known to be the most romantic. he knows you worry about him but he's pretty indifferent about that. tragedy is nothing new to him and that's just how it is. the closest thing he can offer as reassurance is holding you close to him or letting him lay on you. his preferred way of touch involves tracing his fingers over your jaw and under your chin, lifting it up before placing his lips on yours.

originally posted 12 Apr 2021 

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