how good are they at wrapping gifts?

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featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, shinso and amajiki

ngl i'm really bad at wrapping gifts..

midoriya loves the idea of wrapping presents, but it never turns out how he wants it. he tries hard to get them right, but they always end up looking disheveled. when he finally gets one as perfect as he can, he holds it up triumphantly "yes, i did it!" and then the bow on the front falls off and a corner of the paper pops up from poor tape placement. you can't help but laugh at the comical moment and he just laughs with you. "i guess it wasn't that good, was it?" you just pat his head, telling him he's doing a great job and offer help if he needs it. sometimes he'll refuse your help, wanting to get better on his own. you humor him knowing he'll be outside your dorm with a half-wrapped gift, pouting for you to help him.

bakugo is really good at it. his gifts always look like they're professionally wrapped, he can even make those bows out of wrapping paper to put on top. you're absolutely amazed at how he can cut just the right amount of paper for different sized gifts every time and wrap them so neatly, no paper or tape gone to waste. you always compliment him on his skills to which he always acts like its nothing and scoffs. "tch, whatever, big deal. now give me that, you're crinkling up the paper!" he almost always ends up wrapping your gifts for you, except for the one you're planning to give to him (which you practiced wrapping three times).

todoroki doesn't have much technique when it comes to wrapping gifts, but he's actually pretty good at it. you're not surprised; he's one of the hardest working people you know but you have to praise him of his skill. "wow, sho, you're really good at that." he gives you that cute lil grin of his and thanks you. meanwhile you're trying to force down a piece of tape onto wrapping paper while trying to keep it tightly wrapped around the box with the gift inside, but you keep getting caught in other poorly placed pieces of tape. "you've got tape on you." you halt your movements as he picks off the pieces of tape that got stuck to the sleeve of you sweater, before his hands come over yours. "i think you just need to be more gentle." he has you hold down a corner while he grabs another piece of tape and gingerly places it in the gift. another small smile appears on his face when its finished and he's too endearing for you to believe.

kirishima is like midoriya in that he tries his hardest, but isn't that great at it. he doesn't care that much though, because he likes to do it all by himself. he wants bakugo to teach him how to wrap gifts, because he thinks it's manly, of course. but for now, most of his gifts turn out lumpy and misshapen due to using too much wrapping paper. "look, babe, this one looks like crimson riot!" he holds up the present with peculiar little red horns on top, his adorable big smile to match his excited tone. honestly he's just too cute when he's proud of himself and you're honestly impressed with what he can do with the paper sometimes. overall he thinks it's fun and wants to wrap all your gifts for you too and even if they come out looking a mess, you'll let him do it no problem.

kaminari gets wild when it comes to wrapping gifts. he's no expert like bakugo but he always manages to come up with the most ludicrous ways to conceal presents. one time he used only bows and ribbon to wrap your birthday present.. "i wanted to see how many bows i could fit on it!" he's dumb and you have to laugh but it's one of the cutest things that he does and you look forward to his present wrapping antics every holiday. but once he finds those 'wrapping presents as something else' tiktoks, it's all over for you

shinso would lowkey get bored of wrapping gifts with you. he'll wrap a small one and decide that was enough. he likes to watch you do it because you get so focused with cutting and taping paper, it just brings him an odd sense of peace. eventually he'll take advantage of you not paying attention to him and he'll try to see how many pieces of tape he can stick on your back before you notice or hide the scissors from you. you only get back at him by pushing all the half-wrapped gifts towards him "i guess you'll have to finish these on your own" and he does it no questions asked because the last thing he wants is you mad or annoyed with him right before a major holiday

amajiki is very anal about wrapping gifts and will give up if he doesn't get it right the first time. like if he has to use so much tape to pin down one corner, he'll feel like it's a waste. he'll begin to sulk but then he'll see how much you seem to enjoy doing it and he wants to enjoy it too. "angel...can you show me how to do it like that?" he's so cute and you help him without hesitation, showing him how to size up the gift to cut the right amount of paper and where to put the tape. he actually gets into it pretty quickly and even after you've wrapped all the gifts, he'll start practicing on random things of yours. he'll wrap a piece of clothing of yours or one of your eyeshadow palettes and will give it to you just to show you how much he's improved. 

originally posted 24 Dec 2020

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