comforting their s/o over self-harm [request]

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anonymous asked:

hi! so i saw your comfort w/ self harm haikyuu, and tokyo revengers post, so i was wondering if you could make a version for bnha? (if it's not too much, there's no pressure and rush)

you can add more characters in it if you want, but as long as shoto and shinsou's in it. thank you!

featuring: todoroki, shinso and dabi

thank you for reading the haikyuu and tokyorev versions of this idea. once again, there's a resource available on the haikyuu post if you or a loved one are in need of help. there are mentions of blood, proceed with caution! also thought i'd combine this with the above request since they both include shinso. hope you enjoy<3

todoroki doesn't have the best track record of being a consoling individual. he's dense and often comes off blunt when pointing out others' flaws or missteps. he has his own share of traumatic experiences and still lives with the aftereffects every day. he never wants to burden anyone, including you with those problems, which is what worried him the most when getting romantically involved with you. however, it seems the main problem is you adopting that trait of bottling up emotion and never letting it see the light of day, leaving an empty shell of you. yet you still have the scars that remind you of your weakness, making you find comfort in collecting more. he's devastated knowing you've suffered, again and again, drowning in your own sense of hopelessness. you need him now more than ever. all throughout his hero training, he's become increasingly better at first aid treatment, combined with his quirk, covering those painful reminders is the least he can do. he guides you to bed, wanting you to rest but also makes you some tea to sip on for comfort. he sits with you until you fall asleep, whispering promises to warm your tea back up again when you wake.

shinso used to believe that you can't have sympathy for everyone because then you'd run out of sympathy to give. he used to apply similar thinking to the way of hero work in that you can't save everyone, especially with his quirk. it helped him to not feel the pressure of being an amazing hero but do enough to feel fulfilled within his role. however, relationships aren't part of being a hero. at least, not in the same sense. he realized that it takes a different kind of hero within those situations. he didn't think he'd be the right fit to help you, feeling useless to you for a while. even so, this is not about him. it's about you and he really, really cares about you, despite that he may not be extremely forthcoming about it all the time. he's not the greatest with words yet he chooses to reassure you, his eyes filled with tears like your own, "you're so important to me, i never want to lose you. so please, whatever it is that you need, i'll get that or do that or whatever it may be. i want to be here to see you get better and i know you can. so please tell me what you need."

dabi is definitely not the master of comforting people. he's really the last person anyone would want around anyway so why would you be so careless as to let him see blood dripping from under your sleeve? now he gets some type of feeling, some would call it concern, but whatever it is, he can't have it lingering in his head. the day finally came in which he was able to get a better look at your arm, grabbing it and pulling up your sleeve. you yelped slightly in the process which was all the proof he needed to know what you had been doing. his troubled expression did not drop as yours turned frantic and scared as to what he might think. in reality, he's the last person to cast judgment. it's obvious that he has his own scars and whether purposefully inflicted or not, he knows it's never enough to conceal the pain inside. he sighs, simply tugging you with a now more delicate hold on your upper arm, to the bathroom where he fumbles around for his personal kit that he uses for his own marred skin. he works quietly, doing his best with a wound that's different from his own. once he's finished, he leaves a long kiss to you forehead, "only one of us can have scars, you dummy. but i guess i'll carry yours too."

originally posted 30 Jan 2022

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