their s/o comforts them over insecurity [request]

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marvelousmuggleborn asked:

Hi I have read some of works and only one word can describe them..... Amamzing!! So can you please to a oneshot in which Dabi is insecure of his scars and his S/O comforts him and please can you use gender neutral pronouns (I f not then that will also work) and can it please be overall fluff. also please keep writing your writing always leaves me speechless

featuring: dabi and todoroki


you didn't know what to expect upon entering the safe house in the middle of the woods. although it was early, AFO was about 75% successful in using tomura's body as a vessel. nonetheless, it was the perfect time to catch the heroes off-guard with a full-on ambush.

you had figured out who he was a long time ago, you just couldn't put together the exact timeline. however, you also had no idea they were putting this attack in play at this very moment. you were out in town, fortunate enough to not be recognized by anyone, trying to shop for necessities for you and the rest of the League when you heard a familiar gravelly voice sound throughout the town square.

there he was, revealing himself to the whole world.

you had always known he was hiding something, it was clear even to the average person. even with you as the closest person in his life, he didn't crack much. however, you remember something he said to you that morning.

"see you later, dabi." you waved as you were about to head out the door.


"did you say something?"

"call me toya."

it all made sense as you watched him tell his entire life story on national tv and his vendetta against endeavor.

he figured you were probably miles away by now. he just wanted you to know his real name before then.

"so you're back," he said in a matter of fact tone as you entered the room. he continued to lay on the couch, his chest bare and hair white as snow.

"of course. i said i'd see you later, right?" you replied.

"i've always thought of that as a suggestion."

you didn't respond after that, too distracted by the obvious tension in the air. you were both tiptoeing around the matter at hand.

"why wouldn't i come back?" you asked.

he finally looked over at you. you noticed the fresh burns seeping over the stitches on his face, wondering how much damage he sustained.

"it wasn't always like this, you know. my hair," he commented.

"yeah. it was black before. did you dye it?"

"no. i'm talking about before that. it used to be bright red like my father's. endeavor," he clarified with malice in his tone.

"he did this to me. sure, i have my mother's weak body but he—"

he paused, sitting up into a seated position on the couch yet continued to ignore your eyes.

"all these burns are from him."

he was silent after that, cueing you to move closer, taking a seat next to him on the couch. you noticed more burn over his shoulder and back as well as curling over his knuckles. these were the more serious burns you had seen on him.

"so why are you still here?"

"dab— i mean, toya," you corrected yourself. "i love you and i want to be here for the person i love."

bnha night writing collection [SFW]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें