s/o with a cursed speech quirk [pt.2] [request]

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anonymous asked:

Hey. Can u do 's/o with a cursed speech quirk' part 2? I just loved it :3

featuring: kaminari, amajiki, and dabi

kaminari didn't really understand your quirk that well but it was similar to shinso's so it must be pretty awesome. he would admit that he did come off as insensitive in asking if your tattoos are real but truthfully, he thinks they're a cute, unique part about you. the best thing about him was that he wasn't scared of you after he saw what you could do with your power. he was friendly to you just like he was with everyone else but little did you know, he wanted you to be more than just his friend. he's so easy to be around that you're comfortable enough to not wear your mask when you're alone with him, even if he likes to poke at your tattoos. he pretty much understands you just by looking into your eyes as if he didn't already admire them enough.

amajiki was pretty intimidated by you and your quirk at first, much to no surprise. he had misjudged you solely by your power and its threatening nature. could you really kill someone with one word? he didn't know too much about you until he had to work with you one day. it was really hard for him to talk to you because you're so quiet and it made him extra anxious. he found out that you use certain words to protect others from harm. he felt extremely stupid for being so prejudiced toward you. he really admired you and your strength to put all the negativity of your power behind you. he finds it amazing that you even wanted to date him but all he can focus on now is you. he likes when you write words in the palm of his hand when he feels extra nervous.

dabi was unaware of what your power was capable of until he saw you say "explode" and blow something up with just one word. how could this adorable person hold so much destructive power in their body? turns out you thought the same about him and his flames, except he'd describe himself as anything but cute. however, your quirk does have its own drawbacks. the cursed energy can damage your throat and even cause bleeding if overused. you usually carry around cough syrup to prolong its use but the one time you were left vulnerable against a threat, he'd burn them to ashes before scolding you for forgetting your medicine while wiping away blood from your mouth. you like to draw a heart on his chest with your finger as a sign of affection but also to tell him that he does have a heart.

originally posted 16 May 2021 

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