a non-physical, hidden quality that their s/o loves about them

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featuring: midoriya, todoroki, kirishima, shinso, and amajiki

midoriya looks very soft and adorable with his bright eyes and freckled cheeks. however, that does not go amiss by those who know him as a 'problem child.' they fail to recognize that he's always been that way, though. being a hero was always a part of his future plans, with or without a quirk. his perseverance to make his dream come true is nothing but an inspiration to you. you can admit that sometimes he goes overboard to the point where he's almost destroyed his body countless times, but the fact that he always gets back up again points to a destiny of greatness. it's the same as how he was when he had a crush on you. no matter how many times he felt like a lovesick fool, he can't blame himself now that you're in love with him too.

todoroki is a very pretty yet mysterious boy and there's no denying that. underneath all that mystery, however, lies someone with an attentive and supportive ear. he's very good at listening to people, especially those he cares about the most. you are no exception. in fact, he loves listening to you talk. he's thought this before but he'd listen to you read the dictionary or something mundane like that. he tries his best not to but sometimes he'll zone out or doze off while listening, especially if he's cozy in your arms or vice versa. his chest gets tight when you're sad and feel like crying, but luckily he's always there to kiss and comfort your tears away. he'll listen to all your doubts and worries, hoping that he could take away or relieve all your pain, just like you've done for him.

kirishima has it all when it comes to being an ideal partner: attractive, strong, positive, caring, living his life to the manliest. the best thing, though, is that he's very expressive about his feelings. you're never confused about where you stand with him and if you are, he'll make it a personal mission to show you and tell you just how loved you are by him. he isn't frugal with kisses either. it becomes a nightly routine for him to look you right in the eyes as he tells you all the things he loves about you, only stopping to give you an occasional kiss. "meeting you was the best thing that's ever happened to me and i want to be the best that i can be for you!" little does he know, he's already the best. he probably can't give you the world, but he'd do anything for your smile and love.

shinso seems quite aloof and indifferent to most people a majority of the time. and most people would be correct in that assumption. he builds walls and keeps them up indefinitely but luckily, you were able to break them down and see the truly compassionate person underneath. he takes very good care of things he loves, like his cat. he's also quite crafty and puts a lot of heart and effort into the things he creates. for the first few weeks of your relationship, his love language consisted of making you little paper cranes that he'd leave for you to find. he had to learn to care about another person because he never thought he would love someone as much as he loves you. fortunately, he couldn't ask for a more understanding and patient person to have by his side.

amajiki doesn't hide his overwhelming amounts of apprehension and anxiety very well and anyone can see that. some might wonder how he's one of the top three students in the hero course with how openly 'cowardly' he can be. despite all that, he's very courageous and most people don't get to see it very often. the fact that he aspires to be more heroic and bright, like mirio, is what's most important. he can be very insecure about his day-to-day demeanor when it comes to your relationship but it's never bothered you at all. you find it rather admirable that he's not afraid to feel what he's feeling but also that he's worked hard enough to be able to show how brave he can be. there are times when he feels overwhelming amounts of love that he just needs to kiss or hold you and the fact that he feels comfortable and brave enough to do that means the world to you.

originally posted 14 Mar 2021 

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