little random things their s/o does that turn them on

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featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, and shinso

a pretty suggestive concept here and i would like to be more transparent about the mature context. i like to write the time a bit more ambiguous and up to reader interpretation but know that underage characters are at least third years or 18 years old in all of my writing. had fun writing this so thank you for helping me choose the idea! enjoy :)

midoriya feels a bit flustered when he catches himself being very aware of how you look when you're doing something as simple as sitting down. sometimes the way you sit has his head spinning because he can barely contort his legs to sit like you do. he likes when you sit cross-legged or normally with your feet on the ground. the way your thighs spread out on the seat and how your hips curve into your legs and waist, it just makes him want to grab you and pull you right into his lap; the ideal spot for you to sit. it's a bit dangerous though because it becomes a big problem when you sit in the wrong spot and wiggle too much around in his lap. not that he isn't already pretty aroused from looking at you for too long...

bakugo likes when your neck is in plain view for him to see. if you have shorter hair, that's ideal, but long hair is great too because you can always put it up. getting to watch you pull your hair back is an absolute blessing to him but it also drives him crazy. do you even know what you're doing to him when you do that? it makes him want to kiss every inch of your neck. ponytails are oddly attractive to him as well with the way they just swing around and are potentially easy to grab. if you catch him staring, he'll simply grumble, "shut up. i your hair like that, okay?" even after your hair is back down again, he'll find himself gathering all of it together while you're cuddling just so he can see your neck once more.

todoroki finds himself feeling some type of way when he sees you breathing heavily, like after you two have trained together. he almost can't look at you when you're sweaty and out of breath because he becomes mesmerized by the emphasized movement of your chest and collarbones. seeing you like that makes him want to steal your breath even more with a heated kiss. obviously, if you're asthmatic or are in any type of discomfort he's not going to fetishize that. however, that doesn't mean he won't leave a few lingering touches or kisses as he's comforting you. in those moments he loves feeling your heart beating against his as he rubs your back, "you're okay, my love. try to breathe slowly. you're doing great."

kirishima loves getting to wake up with you in the morning, the first thing he sees being your figure lying next to him. he finds the sight so attractive, from how your lips are slightly parted to how the sheet drapes over your hips as you lay on your side. it makes him wanna spoon you and hold you real tight against him as he nuzzles his face into your neck. if you're in bed with him, you usually wake up with him nearly on top of you. he's not shy to admit how attractive you are to him so you know why. he really cherishes his mornings with you, "i feel so lucky that i get to see you like this. you're so beautiful, gorgeous, sexy. you're perfect to me, pebble."

shinso has a complex relationship with your habit of biting the inside of your lip. he feels weird that he finds it attractive but he can't help that you light up his entire world and one simple gesture makes him so weak for you. he never wants to kiss you more than when you do that. more candidly, he wants to be the one biting on your lips. there was a time where he couldn't help himself as he caught you biting your lip absentmindedly and he stole your attention by brushing a hand over your jaw, his thumb gently pulling down your lip, releasing it from your hold. he likes the sight of your lips parting just as much, readying as he leans in to take them in his.

originally posted 4 Apr 2021 

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