s/o with a witchcraft quirk [pt.2] [request]

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anonymous asked:

hello!! can i have bakugou, todoroki and shinsou with a s/o that has like scarlet witch powers?? (from marvel) thank you !!

featuring: bakugo and shinso

i know this is a separate request but it's similar to one that i wrote and i felt like i was repeating myself so i decided to leave him out. sorry about that! happy to write the other two, though! thank you and enjoy :)


- your quirk used to annoy him to no end

- at first, he thought you were just like monoma with his copy quirk

- but he found out that it was actually much more than that

- and much stronger, in his opinion

- your power was called 'ricochet' which allowed you to absorb attacks and amplify them back at the target 

- even though his explosions were pretty powerful, they couldn't do you any harm as you used that energy to throw it back at him ten times as hard

- it was respectable and quite attractive to him

- even after you got together, it could annoy him how good you were but at least he could brag about you being his powerful s/o

- however, your quirk worked the best with physical, ranged attacks

- something like shinso's brainwashing would only disorient you

- despite that you could hold your own pretty well, he still felt the need to protect you

- one time there was a villain with a quirk that was specifically targeted to make you take a deep hit, rendering you unconscious

- when bakugo saw it happen and held your unresponsive body in his arms, he had never been so angry

- he actually shed some tears when you finally woke up and held your hand impossibly tight

- "you dumbass...don't ever do something stupid like that again! you could've-- i could-- i could've lost you."

- he means it; you're too special for him to lose but don't tell anybody that he cried over you

- there are sometimes when you feel insecure about your power and that you need to rely on others to use it, which therefore made it seem like it wasn't unique to you

- he isn't known to be such a comforting person but he couldn't stand to hear something like this, especially from you

- it was kind of like a midoriya-todoroki moment except this is bakugo we're talking about

- "if you're doubting yourself, you're just being stupid. you do what all those extras can do but better."

- you're actually very inspiring to him even though he'd never admit it


- he thought your quirk was amazing and could never deny it

- he was intrigued by the way 'illusory manipulation' created false realities, amongst other telepathic and telekinetic abilities

- like his quirk, you were able to manipulate people's minds, as well as their emotions

- you can induce sleep or pain through illusionary means as well

- you bonded over the similarities of your quirks as well as your experiences with others' reactions to them

- people thought you were weird but others would only befriend you for fear of being manipulated

- therefore, it took you a while to trust him, especially with how he's so hard to read

- you considered using your quirk to see inside his mind or create an illusion around him to see how he'd react or respond

- and he had definitely thought that you would do something like that, as hypocritical as that might sound

- but you didn't and that's what formed his trust in you

- he's not great with people but he's candid enough that you could put your own trust in him

- one thing he likes about you is that you never put yourself above him or others for that matter

- your quirks are similar but he's never felt belittled or overcast by you, despite what others might think

- you've taken just as much interest in his quirk as he has with yours

- of course, this made you an unstoppable hero pair

- you have a lot of admiration for him in that he wants to help people with his quirk and prove them wrong about his abilities and intent

- and you always tell him how wonderful he is

- he likes when you use your quirk to express how you're feeling

- or maybe it just happens...either way he enjoys it

- like the first time you kissed and when he pulled away there were flowers floating all around you

- you were embarrassed about not being able to control it but he thought it was beautiful and lovely, just like you

- you are full of surprises yet simply amazing to him 

originally posted 12 Apr 2021

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