a quality about their s/o that they love

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featuring: 3/5 dekusquad (midoriya, todoroki and uraraka)

these got kinda deep, but never forget that you are worth it! it's okay to be sad but don't let it make you think that you aren't enough or worthy of love. i love you and these characters want you to know how much they love you too!

midoriya loves how selfless you are and how you really show that you care about people. you inspire him to want to be an even better hero, one who people can always count on when they're in need. you are his hero when he isn't always right or needs support to be stronger; when he pushes himself to his limits, you're there to tell him to rest. you protect the ones you love, not just him, even if that means taking a huge risk. he just wishes you would take your own advice and focus on yourself. he wants to remind you that it's okay to ask for help. there are often times when you're still going even after you're tired or injured and he doesn't know how you do it. but he wants to be there for you when you need him most, even if you don't tell him. that's what it means to be a real hero and he wants to save you every time.

todoroki is enamored at how you pay attention to little details. he's not the most attentive all the time but with you, he notices every little thing. how you pick a piece of fluff that was stuck to the fabric on the shoulder of his sweater or how you make every curl of the characters when you write just right. he considers that it's a part of your quirk, given that you don't have to try, but that's just how you are. even in the midst of battle, you consider every move and every feint, calculating the perfect strategy to apprehend your opponent. but there's times when you're too hard on yourself when things aren't perfect and don't land quite as you expect. it's hard for him to see because he never wants you to hate yourself or to see yourself as less. you're perfect to him, even when you fail. that just means you're human and for him, that's always enough.

uraraka loves that you can stand up for yourself. fighting for others might be one thing, but finding the courage to defend yourself is more difficult than one would think. you, however, stand with such conviction and are able to effortlessly fight for what you believe in, even if it's not physical. but you tend to withdraw and distance yourself when you feel like everyone's against you. she wants you to know that she's always there for you and will help you understand the issue at hand because you encourage her to speak up for herself. she always counts on you to help her build her confidence and that's what she wants to give back to you. it's a combination of midoriya and todoroki in that she wants you to know that it's okay to have faults and it's okay to be vulnerable about them. but she never wants you to forget your worth and that you're strong even when you feel weak. 

originally posted 24 Jan 2021

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