fem s/o with a deep voice [request]

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Anonymous asked:

Heya c !! I saw you opened a request so,, 💃💨 anyways can i request a headcanon bnha? With a fem s/o who has like, a deep voice for a female range? With bakugo/todoroki 👀 i kind of deal with this irl ngl, like my friend would always mock my tone 💀💀 (kinda funny tbh-) That's all if you want to :,D Alsoo have a noice day/ night!! (P.s i friggin love your writings, they're all cheff kith 😚👌

featuring: bakugo and todoroki (x fem!reader)

hey, this is an awesome idea! and i can relate, as i also have a lower pitched voice for a female. but it doesn't bother me much, i love seeing what kinds of impressions i can do with it! anyway, thanks for reading and enjoy :)


before you started dating, it alarmed him at how low your voice could be

he would mistake you for todoroki or shoji at times

almost blew you up when you startled him accidentally

"watch it, IDIOT or you and that deep ass voice will get blown straight TO HELL!"

over time, he finds himself thinking about how attractive your voice is to him

as much as he wants to deny it

but there's just something about the way you sound so stern and threatening sometimes, especially in the heat of a battle

he'd let you order him around with that voice

secretly hopes to get any chance he can to fight you so he can hear that low voice of yours work

when you did eventually start dating, he admitted to you that he thought your voice was one of the most attractive things about you

but he does find it annoying when you try to impersonate other people

(even though your kiri impression is pretty spot on)

goes ballistic when he overhears you doing an impression of him for the rest of the bakusquad and they're howling over it

"what THE HELL do you think you'RE DOING?!?! i oughta tape your mouth SHUT"

"you better watch out bakugo or she'll replace you!" chimes denki


his favorite thing that you do with your voice is when you sing

he loves to lay on top of you after a long day, snuggling into your neck or shoulder, listening to you softly sing to him

you don't think you're that great of a singer but you can't deny him the affection

he likes feeling the vibrations from your vocal chords on his cheek and from your chest on his

that's like level 100 comfort for him

be prepared for him to be out like a light afterwards though, snoring and all

overall has a love-hate relationship with your voice

mostly love, but he'd never admit it


your voice sounds kind of like his own, except not as deep

that never stopped you from trying to get it to be as low as his

but of course it never matched up to his lovely voice

"do i really sound like that?"

"no, sho, i'm just doing a bad impression of you. i really like your voice."

he likes your voice a lot too

it's just a very soothing and calming sound to his ears

but because it's a bit lower than most other female voices, you have trouble speaking up

sometimes people will tell you that your voice is so low that they can't hear you when you talk

when you actually try to talk louder, you feel like you're essentially yelling like bakugo

it embarrasses you quite a bit so there are times when you just don't feel like talking

he picks up on it pretty quick and knows when something's off

it hurts him to you see so down about your voice

because he likes listening to your voice

"i love hearing you talk and with the interesting things that you have to say– it's wonderful."

he could listen to you read the most boring book ever, like moby dick, just to hear your voice

"you should do– what is it called? hang on, let me look it up."

he pulls up an asmr video, "you should do this."

"ah, i don't know, shoto. hearing my voice through a microphone is weird to me."

he can't disagree, he had to get used to hearing your voice through the phone

he thought that he wasn't actually talking to you and would check the caller id because you sound different over the phone for some reason

but that's just another unique thing about you and your voice

he still thinks you'd be good at asmr and that a lot of other people would find your voice just as soothing as he does

until one day when you're cuddling and talking with him

"wait, sho, listen. i think i have you down pretty good."

you try your hand at impersonating him again

at first he almost doesn't want to hear it but you make him sound so much more at ease than he thinks his voice can be

so overall, he can't complain about your voice

in fact he loves it a lot <3

originally posted 7 Mar 2021

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