estranged older sibling who hates hero society [request]

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anonymous asked:

Okokok so I've had this idea for a while now, but could I request Izuku with a long lost older sibling who's a part of the L.O.V and absolutely HATES the hero system? Imagine how heartbreaking it'd be to find out an older sibling of yours hates hero's, something that your trying to be. Feel free to ignore this pshshsh

featuring: midoriya

i see where this is going.. some manga spoilers ahead. enjoy! x

"hello, izuku midoriya. or i guess, you go by deku now. it's interesting that you fully embraced the name but your power says otherwise," you remarked tauntingly.

"you're part of the league! if you're here to take me to shigaraki, i won't let you!"

"relax. i only came to see you in person. it's been so long after all.."

"what does that mean?" he questioned. "i don't know you!"

"oh, come now, izuzu."

his eyes widened at the nickname.

"that's no way to treat your older sibling.."

everyone has their reason for doing bad things. call it an anti-origin story, if you will. most feel they were wronged in the past and want revenge, others just want money, and some feel as though they rightly justified in their actions.

you were somewhere in the middle of the latter and the former. and until you found the league, you were lost. you didn't really know if you were justified in your feelings that there were no true heroes. what's the point of a hero system if everyone has power? sure, quirks are not made equal but clearly, your younger brother seemed to be the exception.

you had been living, or rather squatting, with this guy who also seemed to be in a similar situation as you, except his left physical scars. he went by 'dabi' and the scars on his body matched the ones in his heart. he wasn't the worst person out there and you'd admit that he was still quite attractive, despite everything.

he was a huge follower of stain, the hero killer. once the hero killer had been apprehended, by a bunch of kids no less, he felt that it was his duty to spread stain's manifesto. you didn't disagree with stain's ideals but you were anything but a follower. you only joined the league so that you could finally see what a huge 'hero' your once quirkless brother had become.

of course, dabi had an ulterior motive himself when joining the league. that's what made him so shady. no one knew who he was or what he was planning, even though you had known him before the league. you thought his reveal was rather tacky and dramatic and while he was mostly unsuccessful, he was persistent.

however, that was his business.

you were a firm believer in getting your chance when the time was right and you had gathered enough information. turns out that shigaraki was connected to the right people. of all people, your brother was the successor to all might, the former number one hero.

you never knew what it meant to be number one and you still didn't. whatever your overambitious younger brother was trying to achieve, you didn't think he could handle the singularity point that one for all had seemingly reached.

"that's impossible," he muttered. "you're alive?"

"gosh, for a smart kid, you sure ask dumb questions," you replied. "of course i'm alive. i didn't just evaporate."

"then where have you been all this time? and what about dad? do you have any idea how much pain mom and i went through and now you show up like it's nothing?!" he yelled, frustrated.

"jeez, izuzu, i would've thought that you would be happy to see me after all this time. i came to shed some light on your so-called 'destiny.'

you paused, taking a small step towards him, causing him to jolt into a fighting stance. you chuckled at his undying trait of being a complete spaz.

"you were supposed to be the one that wouldn't survive. you were always just a quirkless weakling with baseless confidence that you would one day be a hero and now here you are with powers like it's nothing?!" you ranted, mirroring his words.

his existence was proof that people are not created equal.

"how do you think that makes this whole 'great society' look? if you really wanted to be a hero, you would've figured out how to do it on your own, not with the number one hero, of all people."

he had grown quiet, mulling over your reasoning. "you're right. i was a weakling. maybe i don't deserve to have these powers and i should've figured it out on my own. but i wanted to be a hero like all might and to do that, you need a quirk. now that i have these powers, it's more of a reason for me to be the greatest hero in the world!"

once he was finished, you shook your head, beginning to laugh.

"well, if it's more of a reason for you to be a hero then that's more of a reason for me to stop you."

time for you to test how great of a hero he claims to be.

originally posted 16 May 2021 

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