their quirkless but flexible s/o [request]

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Anonymous asked:

idk if requests are open but if it is, can you do; shinsou, bakugou and yaoyorozu with an s/o whose like ty lee from atla? is powerless but can fight really good without weapons, and super flexible too! i rlly loved the one with the s/o whose like maki zenin from jjk! have nice day/night!!!!!!!!

featuring: shinso, bakugo and yaoyorozu


his first impression of you developed from always seeing you upside down, either hanging from trees or just doing handstands or different tricks

- he thought you might've had a quirk with monkey-type abilities

- turns out, you have no powers at all and only learned abilities such as your flexibility and tricks

- you could also disarm someone with quick but sharp jabs at their body which intrigued him a lot

- fortunately for him, it wouldn't affect his brainwashing

- unfortunately, going against physical abilities like that are difficult for him as he's not great at close range combat so he was curious to see how you do it

- having training sessions with you brought him closer and eventually he could deny it no longer that he had feelings for you

- he's not someone who feels his feelings but luckily, you made the transition from friends to lovers easy

- not only do your abilities mesh together but your personalities as well

- you always seem happy and carefree which is why he made a personal vow to protect you from any harm

- not that you couldn't already handle that yourself but you deserve to be happy and he wants to be part of the reason for it

- starting with being the first to say 'i love you'


- he couldn't care less about your weird tricks

- you seemed really flexible and light on your feet but it wasn't going to be enough to take him down

- however, he had his back turned for too long when he was suddenly on the ground and couldn't move

- you smiled innocently at him as you reappeared in front of him

- having no idea what happened, he was angry, "what did you do to me, you freak?!?!" it made him even madder when you didn't answer and simply flipped away from him, leaving him helpless

- after that incident he had spent time watching you train with others, observing how you were able to incapacitate him so easily

- he watched you annoyingly flip and cartwheel around before using small jabs to different parts of your opponent's body to make them recoil

- even witnessing it with his own eyes, he was still extremely confused as to how those little jabs could pin someone down like that

- he barely felt them when you did it to him yet he had succumbed to whatever it was immediately

- it was dumb and unfair and he needed to know what was going on

- throughout his investigative process, he realized that you were actually very kind and somewhat endearing with how gentle you can be

- you aren't extremely forceful or violent yet super powerful in your own way

- it was almost a dream when you let him kiss you after some time of knowing you, his cheeks turning an embarrassing shade of red in the process

- "i guess you and your freaky ass ain't too bad after all"


- she was always somewhat fascinated with how you can contort your body in all different ways and not strain or injure yourself

- she concluded that you must have some type of flexibility type power but was astonished to find out that you're quirkless

- she had so many questions about your training and even more when you showed her your secret move

- it was like you could take others' quirks away like mr. aizawa with his erasure power

- she was curious to know if it would work with her quirk and volunteered to test the limits of what you could do

- you agreed happily, sending a few jabs to her arms and torso

- her arms went limp as did her upper half, forcing her whole body to the ground

- she couldn't move very well at all but after several trials, she figured out that if she concentrated enough, she could still make something that was quick and small

- this was valuable information to you as well as you had wanted to know what your abilities could do when paired with different quirks, especially ones that involved more mental than physical attributes

- "wow, what do you think your hero name will be?"

- you were genuinely shocked, asking if she thought you could make it in the field

- "of course! you basically have a quirk, just one that's learned rather than natural."

- her support really meant a lot to you, especially after all the years you've heard doubt about your place in the hero community

- she even offered to help make a costume for you despite your protests of wasting her energy

- it was really just the start of a more than friendly relationship, she had already known all your measurements :p

originally posted 30 Jan 2022

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