where are you, deku? [request]

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Anonymous asked:

Hello! I was wondering if you could write a angst oneshot about the whole Izuku leaving UA incident and how his s/o would take it seeing that letter right after the war ark, and maybe their reaction if he came back?

If you've done this already please just ignore this! (ˊ˘ˋ*)

featuring: midoriya

recent manga chapter spoilers in this one! i will admit that i haven't been the biggest fan of the current arc thus far. but this is one reason why i write so i included some stuff that i feel were missed opportunities. also, if you read the manga, i'd love to hear any predictions you might have. enjoy! x

sitting in a hospital was never fun. it's already bad if you're there to be treated but sitting there, waiting for someone to wake up, not knowing that they will? you'd rather be admitted.

you didn't know how he would recover from this. there's no way his body could handle everything that he pushed through to stop the evil from winning. was there even a winner in this war? you're not even sure how or why it started. there were so many things happening, so many twists and turns and surprises that everyone who survived physically wouldn't have much luck mentally.

no matter how you spin it, there was no silver lining. and you were not the only one plagued by the lasting effect.

todoroki's supposedly dead brother is alive and a mass murder, mirio has his powers again but doesn't know that tamaki might be dead, midnight's death was confirmed days ago and no one could just forget about it..

and it had been three days, but deku had not awoken from his unconscious state.

you were adamant about being the first one he saw when he woke up. he'd say that you're stubborn but that was one thing you had in common. it was odd for him to stay unconscious for this long when he had always been the epitome of persistence.

the sound of all might entering the room jerked you awake from what was probably the tenth time you had dozed off.

"y/n," he addressed. "you have done a great job keeping midoriya company but i think it's time for you to get some rest. todoroki and bakugo have awoken, why don't you go check on them with your other classmates?"

you didn't even look over to him, not wanting to see the pitiful expression on his face.

"why isn't he waking up, all might? he doesn't even look like he's in pain," you observed, looking down at your unconscious partner.

"that must be a good thing, though, right?" the former hero replied.

"yes but," you paused, unsure of how to say it. "it's odd. he's not in a coma-induced state, he just looks like he's taking a nap."

all might knew that midoriya and bakugo had kept the secret of ofa between them. now might be a good time to tell everyone, or at least everyone who should know, what was going to happen to him. midoriya was not unconscious nor asleep but was in a similar state, one that allowed him to talk to the previous holders of one for all.

until he finishes his conversation with them, an explanation would have to wait.

"you have observed well, y/n. i can assure you that he is not in any pain and will wake up eventually. he'll want to tell you everything when he does. until then, please go tell the other students what you know for now."

"what if he wakes up?" you questioned, continuing to face deku with your hands over one of his casted arms.

"i'll have someone send for you but i'm sure you'll be around when he finally wakes," all might reassured.

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