when his crush is an absolute cold-blooded badass [request]

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Anonymous asked:

Hello there! Wanted to ask for a Bakugou oneshot (?) where he end in a legal fight ring during work and find himself stunned by the reader that literally destroy him during the fight and this is the start of his crush

Anonymous asked:

Good morning! Wanted to ask for a hc: Bakugou that discover that his crush when fighting villain is like Toji (same ability, very proud, intelligent, violent cold blooded,...)

featuring: bakugo

i decided to combine these two requests since they seemed pretty similar and tried to incorporate elements from both! sorry it's been a minute but i hope you enjoy :)

- so let's say he's instructed by his hero agency to go undercover to investigate an illegal fighting ring

- it's mostly illegal because of public quirk usage without a hero license but he's betting he'll find a whole slew of activity while he's there

- either way, he was really excited to catch some loser wannabe heroes and a fighting ring was exactly what he was looking for with undercover work

- also he's still pretty new in the hero workforce so he's able to go undetected but this job will likely boost him up the popularity polls

- the first day he arrives to check out the place, it's exactly how he expected: hidden in the basement of a rundown building, grimy, poorly lit with a bunch of sketchy extras and he was almost certain there were underage civilians in there as well

- he kinda watches everything from afar, taking it all in and seeing if anything immediately stands out to him

- then they start to announce the next fight and at first he's not really paying attention but then he sees you enter the ring

- his first thought is literally, "are they really about to fight?"

- you were the last person he expected to see in this place judging solely by your casual appearance as if you'd been here many times before

- but his entire perception changed once the fight actually started and you literally annihilated your opponent in a matter of what seemed like seconds

- he was absolutely stunned that you had done that so quickly and had strength to put down someone who was almost twice your size

- watching that sent some sort of spark through him with enough energy to give him chills

- he decided that you would be his main lead into investigating the place, acting like he was a newcomer fighter and decided to get your attention in the most effective way: challenging you to a fight

- of course, he was pretty confident that he would win and he thought he had you about to fold in the first half but you weren't about to let your guard down as you led him to fall into his own trap and soon he found himself on the ground, unable to move

- the stupid thing was that he couldn't even figure out what your quirk is, you just seemed quirkless but crazy strong for some reason but he's probably missing something so now he definitely needs to put on his detective hat

- which requires him to act impressed by your skills in order to get closer to you and he's not too thrilled about that but if it gets the job done

- it takes him more time than he originally anticipated but he was eventually able to get you to trust him enough or what it seemed like to tell him the background on the fighting ring

- he found out that you were there mostly for the money so that you could get by on your own but also help those close to you who you knew were in need and had formed a mutual relationship with you

- one time you explicitly told him that 95% of the people there are there for all the bad reasons, to fulfill their vices and greed

- for all he knew you could be lying to him but for some reason he felt that you were sincere in that moment

- then he made a pretty risky decision but he had good instinct about it, deciding to let you in on his undercover work and make you an informant so that once this was all said and done, you wouldn't be legally affected

- he figured you were the perfect person for the job as you were pretty strong to hold your own and also part of him wanted to get you out of that situation safely

- it took some more time with regrouping and figuring out your plan but eventually with your help, he was able to catch the ringleaders of the fighting ring in the act, essentially confessing to some of the illegal stuff they had done

- once it was all said and done, he asked you if you had any idea where you were going to go next but you merely replied that you weren't sure, also trying to reassure him that you'd figure it out

- then he offers you a chance that he could probably try to get you a position as the agency or at least into some sort of witness protection so you'd receive a lot of support

- you're a little taken aback that he would do that, given how hard-headed he's been throughout the entire process of the investigation

- "yeah, well, maybe you're...not so bad. but DON'T think that this is just some free handout, you've gotta actually work."

- but really he knew that you would be just as, potentially more, badass as you were when he first saw you

- he also knew that it would just make him fall more in love with you every day<3

originally posted 1 Dec 2021

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