friendly s/o who has an expressive face [request]

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featuringcone9 asked:

Hey, I love your work 🥰 Could you do a headcanon where the bnha boys have a s/o who has a very friendly personality but is unable to hide their stoic face when they dislike someone? Like, s/o during all day 😊, then Mineta been creepy like always and s/o is like 😐

Could be Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, Midoria and Dabi pls? You can do others if you feel like it tho

(Sorry if got confused, I'm terrible at describing my ideas haha)

featuring: todoroki, bakugo, kirishima, midoriya, and dabi

your request makes complete sense but i don't know if the title does.. hopefully i conveyed the idea well! thank you and enjoy :)


- he normally has a very stoic expression that doesn't change much unless he's angry

- and you'll know when he's angry

- seeing your friendly face was somewhat refreshing for him

- you kind of reminded him of people who are also very approachable like his sister or even midoriya

- you could always brighten his day with your smile

- he's also not opposed to your other expressions either

- he can even find them amusing in a way

- you don't hold anything back and that's very admirable to him

- he's willing to fight for what he believes in and you have a similar mindset

- you can be blunt and candid with your expressions though and it's hard to hold them back

- sometimes you feel like you can be a little too expressive in a way that offends others

- some have referred to you as 'rude' with how you can look

- and you know you're not rude but it can get to you sometimes

- you don't hide your hurt feelings well either so he knows when something isn't right with you

- you asked him if he thought you looked rude to him and then proceeded to tell him what you others had said to you

- "you know that's anything but true, my love. they probably just don't know you well enough that you're actually so wonderful. at least, that's what i think."

- you like when he gives you that cute little grin of his because that's all you need to be reassured

- even in your lowest of times, he can be your sunshine


- obviously, he's never been the friendliest person ever

- it was the fact that you remained kind even when he would yell or call you insulting names

- nothing seemed to shake you which was really attractive to him

- unless you really didn't like someone or something

- and he'd admit that you're ten times more attractive when you're not impressed or unamused

- however, he cannot help to chime in when he feels he needs to even if you've got it under control

- like if mineta is being his pervy self with some of the girls or anyone else for that matter, you will call him out on it

- "jeez, y/n. you're way hotter when you're smiling."

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