taking care of their sick s/o

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featuring: kaminari, shinso, amajiki, and dabi

three purple-coded characters plus denki..what a mix!

kaminari can become a little slumped and under the weather himself whenever you're sick because then you can't do any fun things with him. however, he does like that you get all sleepy and a little needy for him. he's happy to take care of you, get you anything you need, and provide you some company. he's not the greatest at cooking so he begs bakugo to at least show him how to make a decent soup for you to eat. it sounds weird but even though you have a fever and could make him sick, he really likes cuddling you after you've taken some nighttime pain medication and can sleep soundly next to him. he won't confine you to bed rest but will make sure you're being responsible. if you feel restless and want to get out, he'll take you for a little walk but will make you wear a mask so you're keeping others safe as well.

shinso doesn't like germs or being sick so it's a bit of a worst-case scenario when his precious s/o is sick. but that doesn't mean he won't help you get better. he'll get you whatever you need but mostly he makes sure that you're getting enough rest and staying hydrated. he's not as lenient as kaminari in letting you go out while you're sick so he tries to keep you entertained through other means. he'll show you how he makes the perfect ramen for you or will get you a basic cross-stitch kit that shows you how to make small embroidered patterns of cats. at first, you weren't so enthralled but once you got the hang of it, it took you no time to cross-stitch all the patterns. he keeps his distance from you while you're sick but will still give you head pats and forehead kisses.

amajiki has great admiration for your strength but even strong people get sick sometimes. you're a bit stubborn when it comes to resting when you need it but he's gotten better at recognizing when you need a break. one time you scared him by collapsing from fatigue and sickness so as soon as he hears you coughing or sneezing or even breathing differently, he's stepping in to help you. he fusses over you like no other when you're sick. with him, it's strictly bed rest, a lot of water, cold medicine, and hot, soft foods for a week or so straight. you'll try to tell him that you feel better after a few days but he's not buying it until there's nearly a full recovery and almost all your symptoms are gone. he also keeps his distance from you like shinso but he thinks you look so cute all pouty, flushed, and warm so he'll spare a few kisses on the cheek or nose for you.

dabi couldn't care less if you're sick, or at least, he acts like it. he honestly doesn't like when you're all congested and sweaty because it's gross. he realizes that's a bit hypocritical as you're with his burnt, scarred, and stapled self. he doesn't really know how to take care of someone or look after them when they're in need so you do the best that you can on your own. little do you know, this man is observant and will know if you're not getting better. he beckons you closer to him so he can feel your forehead, seeing that you're still hot to the touch. he decides to take matters into his own hands and runs a hot, steamy bath for you to help with decongestion. he actually loves taking baths with you so it's very tempting for him to get in with you. you're a little out of it from being sick so he helps wash your back despite your protests that it makes you feel like an old person getting a sponge bath.

originally posted 30 May 2021 

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