s/o who is the female version of him [request]

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Anonymous asked:

Can i request where rerader joins 1-A and is basically a female version of bakugou just less rude? And like her and bakugou dont get along but they secrectly like each other.

(Sorry if it doesnt make since:\)

featuring: bakugo (x fem!reader)

- he has really met his match with you

- he literally thought you were just copying him because of how similar your personalities and behaviors were

- the only difference being that you didn't yell at everyone all the time

- you also didn't usually call people rude names to their faces

- which is the main reason why you weren't a fan of him either

- sure, people can be annoying and stupid but it's more worth it, in the end, to be tolerable than mean all the time

- somehow he still has friends, even if he doesn't consider them as such

- you're not scared of him and if anything, your power could exceed his tenfold

- the one thing he does do right, in your opinion, is never discounting anyone's abilities, especially women

- when you've got a mom like his, he would know by now that women aren't fragile or weak

- which makes it easier for him to justify giving it all he's got when battling you or the other women in the class

- he pretty much treats everyone the same and never lets up

- but you're also not afraid to call him out on stuff

- like when he wants all the glory in defeating a villain and not giving any credit to others where it's due

- "shut up, you damn POSER!" is a common phrase that's thrown at you

- in fact, the two of you fight over everything

- you both had dominant and 'large and in charge' personalities that taking the lead on any given situation had to be an argument

- even when one of you is trying to use the kitchen, it's a fight

- it got to a point where you'd have little competitions, usually based on strength or even something as simple as rock, paper, scissors

- your winning streaks were pretty even as far as you were concerned but he'd always claim otherwise

- it was only a matter of time where you caught yourself thinking you were having fun being around him or competing in these silly competitions with him

- he could say he felt the same but he'd never admit it

- one day you were in a simple sparring match and somehow you had ended up pinning him down, leaving him incapacitated by your quirk

- it felt different being that close to him and how his ruby-red eyes looked below you

- his voice felt tired but he also didn't have the urge to yell

- "okay. you won now get off of me, you idiot?"

- you said that you should get a reward for winning as you leaned closer to him

- that had him stuttered all over the place and you remarked his blush out loud

- "s- shut up, dumbass!"

- you didn't get to kiss him then but he made up for it later, pinning you up against the wall of the kitchen late at night

- "i still owe you something, right? let's just get it over with, you damn poser."

- it was a done deal after that

- now, you often have competitions to see who is the better kisser or how long you can go without touching the other

- (he usually loses those pretty quick ;))

originally posted 09 May 2021

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