dating kirishima would include... [request]

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thatbiicth asked:

Hi lovely, how do you feel a date night with kirishima would go, finally getting to be alone and just relax and get to know each other more. Just real wholesome boyfriend material

featuring: kirishima

i think i've thought about this a little too much o_0 enjoy!

- his feelings hit deep so if he's got a crush on you, he's immediately down bad

- he'd be pretty nervous to ask you out but he knows it's the manly thing to do so he tries to do it in the least creepy way possible (he's seen too many tiktoks about red flags in men)

- much to his relief, you say yes and he's a very happy boy

- pretty much any date that you go on with him, he'll plan everything and you literally don't have to worry about anything or him relying on you to decide where to eat and whatnot

- of course, if there is somewhere in particular that you would like to go or eat, he'll take you without any hesitation

- speaking of food, he wants to take you out to his favorite restaurant but opts for a simple walk around town for a first date

- it's not much but he figures it's more casual and relaxed and you can get to know each other without worrying about talking with your mouth full

- at least, that's what he would be worried about

- although he tried to reduce the pressure, he's still very nervous, especially in the beginning

- he wants to impress you but doesn't want to come off as someone he's not

- but honestly, he literally has it all so how could you not like him?

- he's definitely thought about kissing you but knows that wouldn't be appropriate after only walking around and talking with you

- however, he does get a hug from you and he's over the moon just from that

- and the fact that you agreed to a second date

- that's when he gets to kiss you for the first time and the rest was history

- since then, you become comfortable with each other pretty quickly

- he likes a good amount of pda to show everyone that you're taken but never too much

- he really likes holding your hand or touching you in some way when you're out together

- his touch is always very gentle and never forced upon you so you always welcome it

- then there are times when you can't keep your hands off of each other (i.e. that one hiking trip he decided to take with you turned into more than a simple bonding activity)

- he gives the best massages too. his hands are a little rough to the touch but again, he's very aware of himself and delivers enough pressure to release tension (this is also a scenario that can take a spicy turn real quick)

- he isn't perfect and he'll forget things that were important or might feel like he doesn't give you enough praise or support. sometimes he'll even wonder how or why you're dating him

- so that's when it's your turn to tell him how much he means to you and how much you appreciate his effort, love, and care

- every so often you try to put your words into actions and do something nice for him like taking him somewhere and treating him or making something for him

- he tends to get emotional so expect some tears and lots of kisses and giant hugs from him when you surprise him

- he feels so lucky to have you as a s/o

- he's loved you ever since practically your first date but he chooses to wait and confess on a special day, like valentine's day or your birthday

- he makes it extra special because he loves you so much and the reciprocation that you provide fills his heart with warmth and joy

- in conclusion, eijiro kirishima would be the best boyfriend, especially the best wholesome one

originally posted 30 May 2021

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