Peter was lucky he was facing towards the wall, but the blood pumping through his ears made it hard to appreciate.

"You okay?" Tony's voice was soft as he reached over to shake Peter's shoulder.

It seemed the ruse had to be up either way. Even if Peter was asleep, there was no doubt that action would've woken him. Darn subtle genius.

"Hmm?" Peter rolled over a bit, hoping to hold onto the lie that he had, in fact, been asleep that whole time.

"You heard what I said, what's up kiddo?" Tony didn't lose the soft tone like Peter thought he would. If anything, it'd gone even more cautious.

"I was just— it's not anything bad! I was awake and I thought.. I uh.. I don't know. I just asked who was awake in the tower" he shrugged, tripping over his words a bit.

Tony let out a breath.

"Scared to sleep?".

He caught that fast.

Peter didn't even try to deny it, just nodding quietly as his shoulders slumped in defeat. He knew he was about to get some weird sleep advice, but he honestly didn't want it right now. He just wasn't ready to close his eyes.

Tony let him simmer for a moment in thought, leaving him a gap to either sleep or give some half-assed assurance and wave Tony off, two things that would've been so easy to do. Peter did neither though, just giving a deep and shaky sigh.

"Want to head down with me to the lab?" Tony proposed, gesturing to the floor as an invitation.

"Really!?" Peter exclaimed before he could catch himself, buried excitement from his exile from said lab boiling after the last accident.

"Really" Tony confirmed, a bit of a smile on his voice.

So that's what they did. The alluring Stark way. Just ignoring the problem by very healthily shoving it down and playing with toys. The toys happened to be technologically advanced by many generations, but that made no difference to them.

Once Peter's embarrassment faded out from the horrifying capture in a moment of weakness, he found himself unable to contain his pent up rambling energy he'd suppressed for so long, much to Tony's amusement.

"—yeah! And like, even a sunflower follows a Fibonacci sequence. Nature has got math tied around it's little finger. Oh—oh, and did you know that it's encoded in the number 1/89??" Peter was swaying in a low hammock, having webbed down two thick poles to the ground that he'd found, stringing up a mini bed for himself while he mixed together the solution for more.

"I did know that" Tony hummed absentmindedly as he rummaged elbows-deep underneath a car.

The room was echoey enough that they could hear each other just fine from across the room, super hearing or not.

"Okay, how about this one. The only number that can't be shown in Roman numerals is zero" he pulled the chopstick out of the container to check the consistency of the webbing, before resuming the idle stirring.

"I did not know that one. Not big on Roman numerals, believe it or not. Not a big use for them" he commented, a loud cluttering being heard as he dropped something on the concrete floor.

"Fiddlesticks!" He shouted, not bothering to hide his childish censoring.

Peter's cackling followed in pursuit, harsher than Tony had expected.

"What, is my concern for your upbringing some sort of joke?" He sounded accusatory, reaching for the tool he'd dropped above his head.

"It's not that—" Peter hiccuped to calm himself down, "it just reminded me of this one guy I had to break out of the house of—"

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