"It's your boss" Stiles pointed out, what he believed was the truth.

"What ?" You and Scott replied almost at the same time.

"Deaton, the Alpha ? Your boss" Stilinski breathed heavily from exertion.

"We don't know that. It could be anyone. It's probably just a coincidence that he managed to escape at the same time the Alpha arrived ... Right ?" You struggle to regain your breathe.

"No" Scott shakes his head, refusing to believe what Stiles was telling him.

"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf" Stiles voice rose an octave.

"That can't be" McCall glanced from you to Stiles.

"Oh, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air ? That's not convenient timing" He tapped his fingers against the desk

"It's not him" Scott's clearly in denial of the fact that his boss could be the Alpha.

"Stiles, do you hear yourself ? It doesn't make sense for someone who works at a animal clinic to be a murderous Alpha werewolf. If it's Deaton ... why would he kill Laura ?" You reasoned with him.

"He killed Derek. What's to say that your not next on the list ? The Alpha seems to have an obsession with murdering your family" He retorted.

"No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead" Scott rested his head in his hands.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay ? That doesn't exactly qualify as minor injury. He's dead and we're next" Stiles pointed to you, himself and McCall.

"Okay, just ... What do we do ?" He takes several deep breathes.

Stiles takes a few deeper breathes of his own before replying to the question.

"We get to my jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good ?" Stiles suggestion makes you nod your head in agreement.

Scott and Stiles walked over to the large windows.

You hug your jacket closer to your body, finally noticing Derek's blood on it.

"No, they don't open. The school's climate controlled" Stiles explained and Scott attempted to open the windows.

"Then we break it" You suggested but he shook his head in response.

"Which will make a lot of noise" Stiles scans the perimeter with his torch.

"Then ... then we run really fast ... really fast" Scott notices how far away the jeep was.

"He's human, Scott. I could easily outrun him. What's to say he isn't faster than I am ? We're dealing with someone who's been training for years" You points out.

"Do you have a better idea ?" Stiles puts the torch down ontop of a desk.

"Several, actually ... I don't exactly want to die tonight" You mumble the last part under your breathe.

"Then the answers no, Y/N, to all of your dangerous plans" Scott inhaled sharply.

You took your phone out of your pocket, sighing when you realize that there isn't any signal inside the school.

"Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep ?" McCall questioned Stiles.

"What do you mean ? Nothing's wrong" He shrugged, confusion lacing his facial features.

"It's bent" Scott kept his eyes on the blue jeep.

"Like, dented ?" Stiles steps closer to the windows.

Whatever It Takes {Teen Wolf X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now