Fire met explosion in the middle of the clearing, everything popping and hissing angrily. Katsuki was still grinning dangerously. Todoroki's expression was still one of furious determination.

"Have they forgotten that we're supposed to be hiding?"

"We don't have Recovery Girl here..."

"They're going to cause lasting damage."

"Someone needs to stop them!"

While the class were murmuring amongst themselves, the pair had gotten closer and closer. The sudden change from cold to hot made me feel dizzy. My skin felt dry. My mouth could have substituted for the Sahara Desert. Seeing the grazes, the burns, the bruises pile up had me feeling sick.

"You two! That's enough now!" Tenya decided to pull out his 'class rep' voice to see if he could convince them to stop. They paid him no heed. "What are you trying to achieve?"

"I want to make him pay!"

"I want you to make me pay!" The response clearly caught Todoroki off guard as Katsuki landed a clean hit to his jaw.


"You heard me! I was a dick! I still am! I don't deserve this class. I don't deserve Kirishima, or Kaminari, or Mina, or Sero. I don't deserve Hinami. And I don't deserve Midoriya or his forgiveness!" The fact that he actually used everyone's names tugged at our hearts. Midoriya cried even harder, and I could feel my own eyes welling up.

"You haven't even tried to gain his forgiveness!" Todoroki returned the punch. It seems they had given up with their quirks. For now.

"I don't know how!" He curved his body away from the second fist that was coming for him. "I told him to take a swan dive off of a roof! And it's haunted me ever since! Nothing I can say will make up for what I've done to him. And through all of it... He still looks at me with admiration! With his never ending stream of 'sugoi, Kacchan'! He doesn't even hate me. Why can't he hate me? It would be so much easier if he hated me! Why won't he just hate me as much as I hate myself?!" He pulled at his singed locks, desperation and grief coating his wailing voice.


"So bring me to my knees in prayer! Kill me where I stand! Do something! Do anything! Do anything that could make it okay! Make me prove just how sorry I am! Make. Me. Atone!"

Almost all of the class were sobbing by now. Including me. We stood, huddled into each other, too shocked to say or do anything but let the tears of Katsuki's emotion flow down our faces.

Todoroki stopped for a few seconds, absorbing the words that had been thrown to him.

"If you wish." He pulled back his arm and used his ice to propel himself forward.

I scrambled to find what I was looking for.

Katsuki copied his actions.

I patted my pockets as quickly as I could.

Where was it?

They were getting closer and closer.

I found it!

Just as they were about to collide, everything stopped.

The pair were suspended in movement. Even their quirks had been paused; an orange glow coming from Katsuki's palm, and frost particles coagulating at Todoroki's fingers. Their poses were aggressive and off-balanced. It looked as though a stray breeze would knock them over. But there they stayed. Unmoving. The class looked at me. I let out a shaky breath, slowly lowering the mirror away from the scene.

When Mido and I rushed over, we recoiled in shock for a moment.

Katsuki had been crying too.

We pulled them away from each other, their bodies as light but as stiff as cardboard cutouts. After angling them so that their quirks wouldn't cause any damage, I released them from my hold.

In any other circumstance, it would have been quite funny.

They both swung into thin air, their attacks touching nothingness. Todoroki fell onto his face and Katsuki stumbled forward, both of them looking around in confusion. Midoriya sank to his knees, grabbing at his boyfriend with shaking hands. Kat sniffed, wiping his face with his sleeve, attempting to be nonchalant. He wasn't expecting my open hand to strike him. And he definitely wasn't expecting to be pulled into a bone-crushing hug straight after.

"Kat!" I bawled into his chest. "You're such a fucking idiot! You- I can't- Idiot!" He roughly encased me with his arms, his swollen face resting on my head. He sniffed again. We clutched at each other for a few more moments before someone else joined us. And another person. And another. And yet another.

"B-Bakugo!" Kami sobbed. "You really mean it? You really love us?"

"Tch... Yeah I guess so. Or whatever..." He responded, his voice hoarse and still wavering with emotion.

"That was so irresponsible but so manly!" Kiri squeezed us tighter.

"We love you too dude!" Sero wailed, the brutal fight clearly sobering him up.

"You need to go see Hound Dog so bad!" Mina gave a watery laugh. "You do deserve us! And we deserve you!" Kat didn't respond, but opened one of his arms to better include everyone in the group hug.

"Kacchan..." A small voice made us eventually break away from each other.

It was a sight to behold.

A blonde head pressed against a green one in a passionate embrace that said more than words ever would.

"Let's go inside now... Midoriya." Kat eventually pulled away, holding out his hand. From the way that they both looked at his outstretched arm, the action clearly held some weight. Mido laced their fingers with a smile.

"You know what? I think I prefer Deku."



The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя