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"What the fuck?!" Mark was agape. Jinyoung lost his composure and finally started opening the tent. He was about to fight the dirty officer who insulted his soon-to-be husband.

"He's a man, not a girl. He's my fucking fiancé, not a hooker. And whoever-"

The author didn't get to finish his sentence when he put his head out of their love nest. A yelp escaped from the older's throat when one, two, three, and then five bodies threw themselves at the Korean until he fell back into the tent. Mark was astonished the moment he recognized those faces and finally he realized what was going on.

"We've got you perverts! You're under arrest, you pair of sinners! I'm officer Bambang, Jaka's partner! I command the American girlfriend to suck my cock too!" A playful familiar voice hit his ear, and the American felt relieved to find out that there were no police officers waiting for sexual favours outside their tent. Their friends were pranking both him and Jinyoung all the time. Jackson, Jaebeom, Bambam, Youngjae and Yugyeom were all there, causing a ruckus inside their tent.

"Oh, my God, did you see Jin hyung's face when he opened the tent? He was so mad. Fucking hilarious!" Yugyeom laughed hysterically as his cousin struggled to push him away from him. Soon, the others who were on top of the maknae got off him and Jinyoung was finally able to escape from underneath him.

"You guys are all a bunch of lunatics! What the fucking fuck are you all doing here?" The fuming author asked in exasperation. Mark was still thunderstruck, sitting not too far from the spectacle before his eyes.

"We're patrolling the park. I'm officer Januar, and I do not accept blowjobs as bribe." Jaebeom announced and the others started to clap their hands like clowns. Even Mark joined them. Except for Jinyoung, who didn't seem very amused by the amusing situation.

"You can call me officer Yosi. And I do accept money as a bribe." Youngjae played along, as he also introduced his character excitedly. "I would have helped my fellow colleagues solve this matter without so much fuss, but you opened the tent too soon, sir." He added, imitating the voice from earlier and glancing at Jinyoung. The others clapped their hands for him too.

"I'm officer Yoga, and I love to befriend celebrities. Just give me an autograph, and I'll be as discreet as I can. I'm a very open minded servant of the law." Yugyeom announced, blowing a kiss to his cousin. Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

"I'm officer Jaka by the way. You owe me a blowjob, Yi-en." Jackson said in a husky sexy voice, as he winked at Mark, and hurried to sit beside him. The others burst into another fit of laughter. It was clear who was the mastermind of that prank. Jinyoung felt like slapping the Chinese, but he just shot him a death glare and gave him the finger.

"Man, all your girlfriend had to do was give the poor officers a blowjob. What's so bad about it?!" Jaebeom cracked, as he sat onto a corner of the tent beside his husband.

"The bestselling writer doesn't seem to be the sharing type. But he'd better share the wine." Bambam commented with a smirk as he noticed the bottle of wine in the basket next to the entrance of the tent.

"Knock yourself out, Kunpimook." Jinyoung said sourly. Yugyeom was kind enough to grab the bottle and hand it to his boyfriend.

"Seriously, guys...How come you all knew we were here?" Mark asked innocently as he regained his ability to talk at last.

"Ask Bammie. We just followed his lead." Youngjae pointed to the Thai, who gladly started to explain himself.

"Find My Friends app is used to share your realtime location with your family and friends. I recommend!" Bambam grinned, as he waved his cell phone in front of his friend. "Since the day you were kidnapped, I decided to track your phone, MT. I'm keeping a close eye on you from now on, pal."

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