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*****1 year and 7 months later *****

"A beautiful space is only complete with someone by your side. You filled my imperfect moments with meaning, you forged that invisible bubble that encircled us with hope, and made me whole with your breath of love. You were the beginning and the end of my fragmented existence, you were the most important part of my brilliance. Now I'm like a frame with no picture, a sea without a shore, a soulless human-doll. Your absence continues to hinder my future and colour me with gall. My heart is growing cold, for it doesn't beat like it used to beat when I had your warmth to comfort me. With you away, I'm unable to find sufficient air, a shred of solace, or a crumb of peace. You abandoned me quietly, without even knowing you were my missing last piece."

A round of applause echoed in the auditorium as the acclaimed author Park Jinyoung finished reading the last paragraph of his latest bestselling novel. The book-signing event led a legion of fans to Team Wang's building, after the author announced that Last Piece: Breath of Love would be his last book to hit the shelves of national and international bookstores. He announced the end of his writing career a month earlier when he declared on his social media that he was struggling with depression. Although he communicated his intentions publically, the author decided not to share with his fans some other struggles he was facing, especially his prescription drug abuse.

The Korean had a rough time after his boyfriend disappeared. He could barely finish his novel, and it took him more than a year to get it done. He had promised himself that he had to publish that book. He felt that perhaps, if his words became public, they could somehow, reach the American wherever he was. He pushed all his friends away and isolated himself. Mark's absence had affected Jinyoung on an extreme level. Everyone around the writer could see that he was in a bad place. Only after Mark was gone, that his friends realized how much Jinyoung's balance depended on the older. The author was a mess, and usually, Jaebeom was the one responsible to clean up after him. He would only see Jaebeom if they had to discuss something related to writing, but the editor was always looking out for him behind the scenes. Jinyoung resented the editor for sharing a house with Youngjae even after everything that had happened. As for the Chinese, Jinyoung was never convinced of his innocence. He never believed that Jackson had nothing to do with Mark's disappearance. He avoided meeting the man at all costs.

During the first months of his boyfriend's disappearance, Jinyoung looked for Mark in America. He went to LA and dared to stop by Mark's old Neighborhood, but the trip had no success, there was no sign of him there. Bambam had told the writer not to go near that pace. The Thai himself explained to Jinyoung that Downtown LA would be the last place Mark would go if he had problems in South Korea, but the other didn't listen to him, he didn't listen to anyone. Bambam didn't go to the U.S with the author, but he contacted Mark's brother, Joey Tuan, the only sibling Mark would run to if he needed money to disappear. As expected, Joey had no idea of his big brother's whereabouts. Every single clue, every single contact, every single possibility of finding the American was useless. Jinyoung's endless search came to an end when his heath was compromised. The writer drowned in depression when he convinced himself that he would never be able to see his boyfriend again. He could barely get out of his bed. His sister found him help, and even though he was able to function again, he was still not fully himself. The writer had become quite anti-social, but he stil would see his cousin and Bambam whenever he decide to stop at the bar. The maknaes decided to call it Spinning Top.

Yugyeom quit his job at JYPE after he found out that Jackson was the one who made possible for him to get a job there. The maknae refused to compromise his pride, he wouldn't accept hand-outs from anyone. His family was rich, so he really didn't have to. Since Mark wasn't around, he decided to help his boyfriend run his establishment. Spinning Top's opening was a success, and even though the American's absence was lamented, Yugyeom and his boyfriend worked hard to make that event possible. Bambam took care of his and Mark's business in hopes of showing to his best friend one day how their dream had finally become a reality. The Thai was sure that such a day would come. Yugyeom and Bambam missed him a lot, but they were aware that they weren't the only ones.

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