CHAPTER 74 - Imminent Valediction

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"Look at you! A suit can indeed make one look mature and smart!" Jinyoung joked as Hyunjin entered his room all dressed up for the party at the Park's residence. The great day had arrived and the author was all smiles, confident that nothing could go wrong at the event.

"Why do I have to wear a suit? It's stuffy and uncomfortable. I look like a boring businessman, or worse, like a few of my old customers." The teenager complained as he observed Jinyoung's every single move. The author was in front of a large mirror, trying several ties, as if he was unable to decide which one to wear.

"Can you please try not to think of how your customers dressed like?" Jinyoung sighed. "I truly hope that during the party you refrain from mentioning what you used to do before you started living with us. Remember that I'll do the talking, okay? If my sister and mother start asking intrusive questions, run away from them and come find me, or Mark. We already have a script to follow. " The author instructed, as he threw another tie on a chair next to him just to try another one.

"Can't I wear something else?" Hyunjin begged, as he sat on the edge of the bed. The boy was tense and not really confident about his first social event with the Parks. He could tell that Jinyoung was serious about becoming his guardian now that he even wanted to introduce him to his parents. He felt somewhat guilty for not being entirely honest with the author about the reason which brought him to that apartment in the first place.

"Sorry, kid. My family has a thing for suits. Especially my father. It looks respectful. Believe it or not, but some people believe that the clothes you wear says a lot about your character. When I introduce you to them, I want them to see the well-mannered and nice boy that you are. " The author said carelessly.

"Even though I'm none of that, you still want my guardianship. I still can't believe that even Mark agreed with it. I never thought he would. If I were in his shoes, I would have gotten rid of someone like me already. I guess that makes him the better man." Hyunjin declared thoughtfully. And right there he made a quick decision. He was not used to be well-mannered and nice, and he had no intention of pretending to be a good boy now just to please a bunch of strangers.

"That makes him Mark, and you don't have to be like him. Just try to be the best version of yourself. Everyone is unique in their own way. I believe in you, you ought to believe in yourself too." Jinyoung commented, without taking his eyes of the mirror. Hyunjin sighed. He wondered if the author planned to write a book full of motivational quotes. The teenager hated those, he always thought that they lacked authenticity. Most were easier said than done. They didn't sound so fake coming from Jinyoung's mouth though.

"Where's he by the way?"

"Next door, at my cousin's apartment. He's in the hands of a fashionista. Bambam is supposed to give him a make-over. I just hope he doesn't exaggerate." Jinyoung chuckled, but deep down he was a bit worried about the Thai's choice of outfit for his fiancé.

"You probably wouldn't want to be late for this special occasion, right?" The teenager asked out of the blue.

"Of course not, that would be-"

Jinyoung didn't get to finish his sentence. Hyunjin quickly stood up, turned the key in the door lock, and put it inside his pocket. The author turned away from the mirror and frowned at his actions.

"Now it's only the two of us here in this room, no interruptions, and no lies." Hyunjin announced, as he sat back on the bed and took a pair of scissors from the pocket of his suit. The author observed him with apprehension in his eyes.

"What is it now? I hope this is not another stupid attempt of yours to seduce me. I don't have time for-"

"Relax. I want answers from you, Park Jinyoung, not your fucking dick." Hyunjin spat, as he decided to show the writer that he was not pranking him this time. The boy figured that if he was supposed to become a better version of himself, Jinyoung had to at least get to know his current version of 'nice boy'. He gritted his teeth as he continued talking. "I really tried to do this the easy way, but you motherfuckers had to make things harder for me, didn't you?!"

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