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When Jaebeom left the apartment, Jinyoung felt numb. He sat on the sofa of his living room and thought of his editor's words, and his suggestion of sending Mark away. He thought of what Jackson could do to the American. He wondered where Daniel was and if phase 2 was already on course. He wouldn't be surprised to know that Jackson's anonymous employees had already informed him that Mark was in Seoul. He wondered if the Chinese was still in Hong Kong. He wondered why he couldn't bear the thought of letting the American get hurt. He didn't even know the older's role in his sister's suicide. However, he was already getting used to the idea that SooYoung's murderer was herself. No matter what had happened to her, or was done to her, she was the one who chose to cease living, and whoever or whatever drove her to entertain suicidal thoughts, wasn't as cruel as the person who put a noose around her neck. That fatal and irreversible act was his sister's doing, and no one else's.

Jinyoung was still lost in thought when he heard a noise upstairs. His heart raced as he stood up and ran to the stairs. He thought that someone could be inside the apartment. He couldn't help but fear that an unwanted visitor was sent to take Mark's life once and for all, and put an end to that maddening story of reckless revenge. When he opened the door to his room, Mark was standing there in front of him, with only a towel around his waist. He was all wet and he had a startled look on his face.

"Sorry for the ruckus. I was trying to adjust the shower temperature and I almost scalded myself. I haven't seen one of those in a while." Mark said embarrassedly, noticing the younger's alarmed expression.

"Are you hurt?" Jinyoung asked as he walked towards him worriedly. He eyed the old scars on his side and immediately remembered Mark's narrative about the Collector's Case. That horrific tale still haunted the author's mind, but he didn't feel like he had the right to question the older about the legitimacy of his words. He wasn't sure if he should write a book based on them either. The subject was delicate, too explicit for his readers. That story could be real, and it wasn't his story to tell. He wondered if those scars on Mark's skin were made by the Repairer, and if Daniel was a character in that sadly unsavory plot. He wondered if Cameron was part of it too and if he was a Doll Worshipper. Doubts kept popping up in his head, and his conjectures weren't solid enough. The more time he spent around Mark, the more mysterious the older seemed to him. And at that point he didn't even know if all he wanted from the American was the truth regarding his sister's death.

"I am fine, Jinyoung." Mark assured him, as he watched the Korean run his fingers along his scars. He didn't move, he just let the younger caress the wet skin. Jinyoung lifted his eyes to meet his, while his hand reached the back of Mark's neck.

"I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you. I don't think I could bear it." The author said softly as he pulled the older to him and buried his hand in his hair. Their faces were dangerously close now, their foreheads were already touching, but the American's voice came out as a warning.

"Right, you wouldn't be able to bear it because then your mission would've been useless. You need me alive to find out the truth. If I die, so does the answer you've been dying to hear. I haven't forgotten our agreement and I'm willing to keep my end of the bargain. You brought me to Korea for a reason, didn't you? Maybe it's time we talk about your sister." Mark whispered very close to his lips.

"No, it's not." Jinyoung murmured, as he locked eyes with his former enemy. "You didn't kill her, did you?" he asked as he brushed his nose against Mark's and one of his hands lingered on the towel wrapped around the other's waist.

"No." The older replied firmly, as he felt the Korean's fingers brush against his hipbone.

"Did you hurt her in any way?" The author whispered, as his other hand moved upward and slightly massaged the American's sternum. The older's breathing became erratic when the same hand moved to one of his still wet nipples and started to draw light circles over it. The gentle movements that teased the areola surrounding the area created bliss-inducing shivers all over his body. He felt extremely hot, and he was aware that it wasn't due to the temperature of the shower he took a few minutes earlier.

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