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"Mark?" He asked as he walked into the room. There were candles in every corner of it. The sight mesmerized Jinyoung. The table was set, and covered by fresh rose petals, but there was no food on it. A swiftly movement in the darkness distracted him, but it was only his boyfriend who came into the room, wearing nothing. The Korean gasped as his eyes scanned him up and down. The shadows of the candle lights danced in his round dark orbs, as the American slowly walked to him.

"I missed you." Mark whispered to the writer as he stopped in front of him and ran his hands along his arms.

"Me too." Jinyoung whispered back as he observed the older's fingers start to unbutton his shirt. "What's all this?" The younger asked as he pointed to the candles.

"There's one candle for every day we've been together. Actually, I started counting from the day you showed up at my shabby apartment in LA looking for Gyeom. Even though we weren't a couple yet, I like to think that our story began right there. You see, there isn't many candles now, but I hope we can fill more than a room with them someday." Mark said in a low tone, as he started to distribute kisses all over his neck and shoulder. The Korean closed his eyes as he heard those overwhelming words. His boyfriend's gesture was highly romantic, and after that dreadful, having him so close was all he needed. He wished he had come home earlier. He felt like an idiot for wasting so many hours away from the older. Every single second he spent away from Mark, was a second carelessly squandered. Although he felt like he didn't deserve Mark's love, he would never risk losing it by letting the older know about whatever happened between him and Jaebeom. Since he didn't remember how it happened, he told himself that there was no use feeling guilty about it. He concluded that whatever it was, it was so meaningless that the act was erased from his mind. He couldn't think of Jaebeom now, he wouldn't think of Jackson's threats either. He had the most beautiful man right there in front of him, pampering him with love and sweet words, and he wouldn't dare to focus on anything else but him. The dim, flickery light of the candles provided them a sexy ambiance. It left just enough darkness to wash out their surroundings, allowing them to be even more drawn to each other.

"What's giving off this peachy scent?" Jinyoung asked as Mark removed his shirt and threw it on the floor.

"They are scented candles. Do you like it?" Mark smiled at him as he caressed his the younger's firm abs.

"I love it. Thank you for welcoming me home like this. I really dig the outfit by the way. You look amazing in your birthday suit. I totally approve it. Actually, if it wasn't for the kids, I wouldn't mind to have you walking around the apartment everyday just like this." Jinyoung whispered a he pulled Mark to him and wrapped his arms around his delicate bare waist. His skin felt warm and inviting to his touch. The older blushed and chewed on his lips.

"Don't you think the candlelight dinner thing is a bit corny?" Mark asked sheepishly, as his boyfriend's hands squeezed his sensitive buttocks.

"Believe me baby, there's nothing corny about this. Look what you did to me." Jinyoung whispered sexily, as he pressed his hips against him, letting the other know how turned on he already was. The American made a satisfied sound when he felt the younger's clothed erection poke his crotch.

"How was your day?" Mark asked tenderly, as he buried his fingers in Jinyoung's soft silky dark hair. The Korean caressed his sides and tried to concentrate on what his lover was asking. Having the older so close and completely unclad disoriented him.

"Crappy. Only you could make it all better. This is the best part of my day, coming back home to you." Jinyoung whispered as he captured his lover's mouth and kissed him deeply. The American responded to the kiss with the same fervour while unbuttoning and unzipping the younger's pants.

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