CHAPTER 37 - Déjà vu

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Jinyoung woke up with a major headache. As soon as he opened his eyes, he didn't think he could recognize the ceiling of that bedroom. His eyed surveyed the walls and the furniture. It didn't take him long to realize that he wasn't at his apartment, and that he wasn't alone in that bed. Another thing that caught his attention was the fact that the person lying beside him didn't have the same hair color of his boyfriend's. The hair length was different too, and as soon as he recognized the familiar mullet, he averted his eyes from that person's nape. His breath hitched. That was no stranger. He wondered if he was having nightmare, but as he pinched his own arm, the pain he felt made him realize that everything around him was indeed real. His heartbeats accelerated. He tried to calm down and convince himself that nothing sexual had happened in that room. That man and him had shared a bed before. They were roommates in college and sometimes they ended up falling asleep in his bed while studying for an exam. They were friends, and although Jinyoung wanted more than that back then, they had never crossed that line beyond friendship. He took a deep breath and told himself that it was impossible for him to cheat on Mark as much as it was impossible for Jaebeom to cheat on his husband. He slowly shifted around the mattress and looked under the covers just to confirm if he and his best friend were both naked. As soon as those naked, broad shoulders were revealed to him, his eyes lowered down further, until they glimpsed a pair of nude buttocks. The writer averted his gaze from the man and gasped. Panic washed over him. That was indeed Jaebeom in there, and they certainly had had sex. He felt a sticky substance between his legs and although his butt wasn't sore, he, as usual thought of the worst. He grimaced as he tried to remember what had happened the day before, but nothing came to his mind. He finally gathered enough courage to accept that sleep wasn't' the only thing they had done on that bed. He felt like running out of that room. He sat up and carefully moved away from Jaebeom, who seemed to be still fast asleep. However, as soon as he tried to leave the bed, the editor's arms circled his waist.

"Don't get up yet, Samchon. You're my teddy bear, you're supposed to keep me warm until I wake up." Jaebeom whispered, without opening his eyes. He pulled a terrified Jinyoung back to him just to lay his head on his chest and give it a gentle kiss. He also placed one leg above the writer's and sighed in contentment as he secured his 'husband' where he wanted. The writer was frozen on the spot as he let himself be dragged into Jaebeom's embrace. That simple gesture felt so wrong, but he didn't dare to say anything yet. He didn't know how to. Jaebeom still had no doubt that the man he was holding was Choi Youngjae, his husband and co-worker. "Let's not work today, huh? Let's just stay in bed for the rest of the day. Nora's party was a complete mess, and we do deserve some peace." He added as he caressed and sniffed the firm torso he rubbed his nose against. "Have you been working out? Somehow, you smell different."

"JB, get off me. Please?" Jinyoung was finally able to say something. He immediately felt the editor tense for a second, and then pull away from him in the next.

"Jin? What the fuck? How? Fuck, fuck! Where's Jae?" Jaebeom had never got up from a bed so fast. The look of terror in his eyes mirrored the younger's.

"I-I don't know." The writer replied as he lowered his eyes to the sheets. An astonished Jaebeom was standing completely naked in front of the bed demanding answers that he didn't have. "I don't remember anything. Do you?"

"No! But we didn't...I mean, that's not possible, right?" The editor's voice trembled.

"There's cum on the sheets." Jinyoung hurried to say, too ashamed to inform the other that he had semen between his legs.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"What do you think? It's probably ours." Jinyoung sighed in despair.

"No, Jinyoung. Think about it, maybe you had a wet dream, or something. It's not like I would touch you like that, because I would never cheat on Jae...Look, we were drunk last night but I would've remembered getting into bed with you, or fucking you. There must be an explanation for this shit." The editor hissed.

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