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"Why the hell not?" Jinyoung crossed his arms and stood up, stepping away from the couch.

"It's a long story." Mark replied awkwardly.

"I have time. Tell me." Jinyoung pressed.

"Eric had the night off today. He took a few friends to the bar. He was drunk and the kiss apparently was a dare. I wasn't expecting it. I didn't even realize it was him when I pushed him over a table. Bambam sent the security to escort him out of the bar before I could even reprimand him verbally." Mark started, with a guilty look on his face.

"No problem. You can call him now, or I can call him for you, and inform him that he's fired from Spinning Top." A fuming Jinyoung insisted.

"I-I've gotta discuss it with Bam." Mark said a little disconcerted.

"You don't wanna fire him, do you?" The Korean clicked his tongue and gave him a knowing look.

"Jin, he's got hospital bills to pay. His mom had a stroke and-"

"Now I get it! Another sob story." Jinyoung shook his head in disbelief.

"It was a mistake caused by the alcohol in his system. He'll probably regret it when he sobers up, and he will surely apologize for the embarrassing scene he made at the bar. Look, he's a good employee. There's no need to be so hard on him. Plus, we need someone like him on the staff to-"

"You promised me!" Jinyoung raised his voice now. Mark's startled eyes were fixed on him.

"I didn't kiss him back. You can ask Gyeom if you don't believe me. You can't get mad at me. I'm really sorry, Nyoungie, but it wasn't such a big deal. I swear, I have no interest in him-"

"But he clearly has interest in you! I am mad at this situation and I am disappointed in you for not keeping your promise. Sohn always made his intentions pretty clear. Did you even establish boundaries between employer and employee? How would you feel if I started to work beside a guy who doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself and apparently can't keep his lips to himself either?" Jinyoung asked impatiently.

"I would be jealous of course-"

"You would threaten to dismember him, and then castrate me if he ever dreamed to make a pass at me. You would make me fire the guy as soon as you heard about the possibility a kiss. You entered this room minutes ago and lost your temper because a kid was innocently resting his head on my lap! And let's not forget your revenge fuck of one year ago!" The author grimaced. Then he took a deep breath. "Listen, I get that you're possessive of me, okay? And I do my best to accommodate your jealousy. But I feel jealous too! Try to put yourself in my shoes! We're engaged now and I cannot feel at ease when even though you have a fucking ring on your finger, you let a little shit like that catch you out of guard." Jinyoung argued, as he stared deeply into his fiancé's eyes. Mark swallowed and struggled to explain himself one more time.

"Jinyoung, I cannot make decisions at Spinning Top by myself-"

"Fire him, Mark. Bam will understand. It should have happened a long time ago. It's the least you could do." The author said firmly. "Call him now and do it."

"Did you forget the part that I said he was drunk? If I call him now, he won't even remember that he doesn't have a job anymore by the morning." Mark still tried to make his point, but his excuses weren't enough for the Korean.

"Very well. Do as you please. But you're sleeping on the couch till you gather enough courage to dismiss that goddamn barback." The author announced and gave him a challenging stare.

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