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"Are we going on a date today?" The American seemed to focus on the present again, as his thoughts were interrupted by his boyfriend's excited voice. He didn't think it was worth telling the younger about what he saw yesterday while he took shelter at that bus stop. He'd rather assume that he had hallucinated all of it. It wouldn't be the first time he saw things that weren't really there. Years ago, after he left the Collector's Case, he kept seeing things too. He didn't think it made sense to worry about the dead, after all they could not hurt the living, could they? He wouldn't allow his past to hinder his present hope, and future expectations.

"As soon as we get out of here. How does that sound?" The writer extended his hands to help Mark get up from the bed and noticed that the older wobbled a little. "But we can postpone in case you feel a bit sore." He added with a smirk.

"Were not going to postpone anything, ever. Going on a date sounds good. But I guess we should play a round of 21 questions first." The American said uneasily. He felt that their reconciliation wouldn't be complete if he avoided clarifying a couple of things to his lover.

"What, now?! Why?" The younger frowned in confusion.

"Next time you have doubts, I want you to come directly to me in order to get your answers. What you found out through Jackson you could've learned about it with time, by my side. I'm sure you still need me to validate some facts you think you know about me. So let's get this over with. Ask away." The American stated firmly.

"Mark that's not necessary, I-"

"Just do it. Come on, what was the most terrible thing you read in those files Jia Er private investigators gathered about me?" Mark cut him off and gave him a challenging look. "I promise to be frank with you."

"Maybe something about you and Ito being lovers." Jinyoung's expression became more serious as he stared at his boyfriend. Mark held his gaze and didn't delay his answer.

"He fucked me whenever he liked. It's not like I had a say in it. If I rejected him it would be worse. No one could refuse Hara, no one dared to. I sucked a couple of VIPs cocks, but that was it. I was not his lover, I was his China Doll, even before I was sent to the Case. Next question." The older pushed, ignoring his lover's momentarily disconcerted demeanor.

"You kidnapped people and took them to the Case?" Jinyoung asked in a small voice.

"The thing is, I was a Doll Hunter without even knowing it. I had names, and addresses of people who owed Hara. I thought that my job was just locate their families and friends in order to blackmail the debtors. Only later, I found out that Cameron used that information to bring relatives of the debtors to the Case. I met those people there during the training camp. So, yeah, I was a great help to the Case's success. Next question." Mark's determination never wavered, even though he wasn't sure if the writer appreciated the raw honesty of his answers.

"Did you make Zhou kill your uncle?" The Korean furrowed his brows, as he saw his boyfriend's face contort a bit.

"No. I don't know exactly how it happened. I was out one day and when I came back I found him dead. After Cam was arrested for shooting that cop at my family's frontyard, Dan told me that Cam did it. According to him, Cam did it for love, because he had found out the old man was working with the police. He claimed that the new boss of the Neighborhood would kill me too if he found out that a Tuan was plotting against him. Since Dan was a compulsive liar, I'd rather believe what the doctors said, that the Alzheimer did it, and that my uncle simply choked on his food. Next question." Mark replied dryly.

"At college, did you plant dugs at the dean's office and made a student lose an eye?" Jinyoung swallowed when he saw his lover scoff.

"Yes, that dean was a pain. I had to silence him. As for the snitch, Cameron gave me two alternatives. It was his eye or his head. I'd rather think I made the less nocive choice. At least the student didn't die. Next question."

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