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Mark suggested a couple of drinking games that he initially had in mind for the occasion. He didn't make any effort to tone down the racy nature of them, but he warned everyone beforehand that whoever was courageous enough to participate would have to be okay with showing some skin, getting ridiculously drunk, receiving or giving sensual touches and ready to face some spicy dares. Unexpectedly, none of the couples present at Nora's birthday party hesitated to join the games, so Mark started to explain some rules to them and everyone sat next to their respective partners. When Jinyoung moved his chair to his side, he couldn't help but doubt if his boyfriend was indeed willing to pair up with him. He wanted to ask the author if he would be comfortable doing certain things in his sister's presence, but he just focused on telling everyone what the first game was about.

The first game was Flip, Sip or Strip. The only thing necessary to make such a game work was the combination of a coin, shots and the loss of all participants' inhibitions. Bambam and Yugyeom volunteered to be the first couple to play. They wanted to show the others that they were there to win. All Yugyeom had to do was flip a coin, and Bambam had to guess if it landed on head or tails. The pair had 3 chances to get the right answer. If Bambam guessed right, he and Yugyeom would get a point, but if he guessed incorrectly, one of them would have to remove an article of their clothing or take a shot from his partner's body. Bambam failed at his three attempts to guess the right side of the coin, so he took 2 shots from Yugyeom's body and for the last penalty, he decided to strip. Creative as he was, the Thai's body shots consisted in him sprinkling some salt on his boyfriend's neck, licking it, drinking some tequila from his belly button, and taking a lime from his mouth. Yugyeom was ecstatic while he laid on the table and Bambam worked his magic on him, but when Bambam shamelessly removed his own shirt to complete the last punishment, he wasn't too happy. Yugyeom begged his boyfriend to remove his belt instead, but the Thai was determined to show off. Bo Young cheered him on, Mark whistled, the others clapped their hands and laughed out loud as Bambam pretended to catwalk all around the backyard, making hilarious poses and blowing kisses for his imaginary fans. Since Yugyeom was wearing two shirts, he quickly took one of them and dressed Bambam in it after his little show was over. The Thai complained about his lover's fake prudery, and although he accepted the shirt, he didn't bother to button it.

The 2Jae couple was luckier than the maknaes. Jaebeom flipped the coin and Youngjae guessed it wrong at his first attempt, so the editor took a shot and pulled the publicist for a kiss. He boldly passed the soju in his mouth to Youngjae's. The witnesses were amused by Jaebeom's confidence. The editor bragged about the supposed telepathy powers he shared with the publicist and claimed that all his husband needed was a kiss to help him guess which side the coin would land next. Coincidentally, after a shy Youngjae literally took a shot from his partner's mouth, he did get the right answer. They got one point without having to strip.

The team BoSon seemed to be even more in sync than the previous participants though. Jackson flipped the coin, Bo Young unexpectedly guessed it right at her first try, and they automatically got one point. The pair celebrated, but she declared that she was a bit disappointed by the fact that she wouldn't get a chance to see the Chinese's muscles. Jinyoung scolded her, but she dismissed her little brother's nagging. YugBam and 2Jae playfully booed them, since they didn't make their turn fun, and easily got the first point without even being a real couple. Mark didn't cheer nor commented on the pair's performance, he added their point on a paper silently. He could tell that his boyfriend was relieved to know that he wouldn't have to witness Jackson and Bo Young taking body shots or stripping in front of them.

When Mark attempted to explain the rule of another game, Yugyeom interrupted him quickly.

"Wait a bit, what about Markjin? I mean, you two are gonna play too right? We cannot let BoSon get the first place!" The maknae complained in English. The American looked lost for a second, since he didn't ask the writer beforehand if he was ready to show that side of his to Bo Young. He just assumed that if they didn't get the right answer, his boyfriend wouldn't be comfortable with any of the punishment options. Stripping or taking body shots in front of other people didn't seem like something Jinyoung would agree to do at that moment. Therefore, he just tried to find an excuse for Jinyoung.

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