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"To health, friendship, perseverance, and the power of love." Jackson announced as everybody raised their glasses and clinked them together. They sat back on their chairs and smiled enthusiastically at one another. The 7 were at Spinning Top, drinking to the long-awaited reconciliation of a certain American bartender with a certain Korean author. Mark and Jinyoung's happiness mirrored their friends'.

"So, how proud are you of the MarkJin Support Group, Mr. Bestselling writer?" Bambam smirked at Jinyoung.

"Immensely. I'll never be able to thank you enough for making this day possible. I owe you guys." The Korean said honestly, as he raised his glass one more time and drank from it. His and Mark's chairs were so close that they were practically on top of each other. The American had one of his legs over the author's lap, and one of his arms around him. Jinyoung had one hand on the older's thigh, while his head rested on his shoulder. Everyone at the table could see that they did not intend to tone down the PDA. Especially when Mark started to whisper in Jinyoung's ear and the author blushed uncontrollably. They were at a VIP corner of the bar and other customers could hardly see what was going on there. The pair would certainly keep their hands to themselves if they were surrounded by strangers, but since only his friends were in that cosy and discreet spot of the bar, Mark and Jinyoung expressed their feelings for each other without much ceremony. The editor cleared his throat and reminded him that someone else also deserved his gratitude.

"And Kim Wonpil too. According to Gyeomie, he did a pretty nice job in your living room. Jaebeom commented with a grin.

"Next time I see him, I must congratulate the guy for his bravery. Not all straight men pretend to be gay to help a dongaseng. I'm just glad our LA gangster here didn't land one on him." Jackson chuckled, as he glanced at Mark, who simply made a face at him. The oldest among them mostly observed the conversation and reacted to the group's hilarious jokes. When he wasn't being a charismatic bartender mixing drinks for other people, the American was seldom talkative, even among friends, and that aspect about him hadn't changed. He was still the same of six months ago, and those who surrounded him could easily notice that.

"It's true that Wonpil deserves a medal of honour for his precious contribution to the MarkJin cause. However, if it weren't for Jin and Mark, who made the final decision of being together again, we wouldn't be all gathered here in this bar witnessing them being so lovey-dovey with each other." Youngjae declared, with a bright smile on his face. Mark gave him the thumbs up and kissed his lover's cheek exaggeratedly. They all cackled while the American forcefully pressed his lips against the author's jaw and squeezed his face hard in his hands until the younger begged to be released.

"MT, I think he's gonna fall out of love, and run away from you if you keep showering him with so much affection." Bambam commented playfully. "But you can always twist his neck if he tries to escape."

"Nah! No neck twisting, but I'm sure he might enjoy some choking." Mark said shamelessly, as he set his embarrassed lover free. The others giggled.

"Geez, babe, that's private stuff." Jinyoung elbowed his side lightly, as he winked at him teasingly.

"Hyungs, I still can't believe that everything went back to normal again. Nothing can beat the seven of us together like this, sharing drinks and having a good time. This is SO AMAZING!" Yugyeom spoke enthusiastically, as his eyes watered. Jaebeom ruffled the maknae's hair and chuckled.

"Don't tell me you're gonna cry, kid." The editor chuckled.

"You wish." Yugyeom wiped his tears before they could drop from his eyes.

"If he's crying now, imagine how my dear cousin will feel when we tell you all the good news." Jinyoung gave them a suspenseful look and glanced at his lover. The latter nodded to him and the author continued. "Can you guys guess what it is?"

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