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Mark stayed still until he realized that Jinyoung was deeply asleep in their bed. His lover's phone was vibrating nonstop. Mark knew it was probably the guys checking on them. Since he didn't want to disturb his fiancé, he got up from the bed, grabbed Jinyoung's cell phone and rushed to the bathroom. He knew Jinyoung's password by now, and he could easily inform their friends that he and Jinyoung were okay again. However, as he was about to type some comforting words and assure each one of them that everything was fine, something else caught this eye. There were several notifications of a Kakao group chat by the name "Markjin support Group" and there were 6 participants in it. Mark didn't know what to think of what he read there.

JAYB: Jin, what the hell was that this morning? I grew up having to witness my own mother being a victim of domestic violence. Now I seriously don't wanna witness a child going through psychological abuse. What was done to that boy was not acceptable. I tried to play it cool not to upset Mark even more, but it's time we find ways to address his problem.

WangGae: What did I miss? 【•】_【•】

Brownie: Mark hyung threatened a teenager with a fork in the middle of his kitchen.

WangGae: Come again?!

JAYB: That's not all. He also said some pretty weird stuff about enjoying sending people to hell.

Brownie: He regretted it though. He said that wasn't him, and that it wouldn't happen again.

WangGae: And you believed him?

DoubleB: Excuse me, when did Mark tell you that, Kim Yugyeom? ¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯

Brownie: When we were picking up the silverware from the floor.

WangGae: Did anyone get hurt?

JAYB: No. My Sunshine saved the day.

JaeOtter: (。♥‿♥。) <3

DoubleB: Geez, you guys are so cringey.

JAYB: At least we're not PG-rated like YugBam.

WangGae: What? Does that mean you don't do the nasty with your husband? O.o

Brownie: Can we go back to the main topic here?

WangGae: Okay. Where did this kid come from?

JaeOtter: The kid is the one he rescued from that 5-star hotel. Apparently, he ran away from his abusive parents and went to MarkJin's apartment looking for shelter. He probably reminds Mark of stuff he wants to forget. I don't think it's healthy to have that teenager in the apartment. Hyunjin is not supposed to be there.

JAYB: We all know that the kid is not exactly the problem...It could be anyone, anything...Our American hyung has a tendency to snap. And that's not okay.

DoubleB: I cannot take part in this conversation. To be honest I don't think that talking stuff behind his back is gonna help either. (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

Brownie: Bammie, hon, that's not what we're doing, ok? We all love Mark hyung and we want what's best for him and my cousin. We're not dissing him. It's a MarkJin support group, remember?

WangGae: Maybe you guys should recommend him a psychologist? Jae is seeing one, right?

DoubleB: Don't do that.

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