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"If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up." The author sighed, as he beheld the vision before him. Mark was already up, showered, fully clothed and walking around the room. He could smell the fragrance of soap and cologne emanating from his lover. Every movement and sound the older made around him was magical. He would rather have the American by his side the moment he opened his eyes, but the mere fact of being able to lay his eyes on him first thing in the morning was a blessing. He considered that every single second he spent in his presence was a gift from heavens. It didn't matter if they were fighting, or making love, if they were crying or laughing. As long as they were together, all was well with the world again. One year and seven months of silence couldn't destroy the connection they had. The writer knew that Mark wasn't good with words, he was also aware that he rarely expressed his feelings directly, but he was certain that his lover felt the same. The older still didn't tell him what he was doing at that hotel, or what happened to him during the time they weren't together, but Jinyoung wasn't in a hurry to find out. For now, he just wanted to relish the idea of having Mark back in his life. Jinyoung hadn't slept that peacefully in a while. He wasn't haunted by terrible nightmares, nor tormented by insomnia. He didn't need pills to go so sleep, and he didn't need to drink loads of coffee to keep himself awake whenever the nightmares returned. Last night was real. He had found the man who completed him, his most valuable piece. What else could he ask for?

"Morning to you too. Now look, you've gotta get up. It's almost 8. You should go." Mark turned to him and walked towards the bed with an apologetic look on his face.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jinyoung rubbed his hands against his face and eyed him in disbelief. The older chewed on his bottom lip, and struggled not to look so guilty.

"Room service will be here in a couple of minutes. According to the rules of the hotel you cannot stay after-"

"Mark, I already told you I'm not a fucking customer! Stop treating me like one." The Korean protested, as he sat up on the bed and squinted his eyes at his lover.

"This is my workplace, Jinyoung." Mark said awkwardly, as he crossed his arms around his chest.

"Don't give me that! You're supposed to leave this place with me today! What about last night? I thought we had reached an understanding. You said you love me and we-"

"I never agreed to quit my job." Mark declared cutting him off, and looked away.

"Your job?! This not a freaking job! Mark, I'm your boyfriend, and you're my whole world! You never even properly broke up with me before you left, remember? We were still together even though we were apart. The hundred times I said I love you last night didn't mean anything to you? Were you lying to me when you said it back?!" The writer's troubled expression broke the older's heart.

"Jinyoung, let's not do this now." Mark inhaled. He wasn't prepared for an argument at that time in the morning. He didn't wanna be harsh with the younger, but the Korean wasn't' giving him much of a choice. "Look, I didn't lie to you last night, but you've gotta understand-"

"Well, every single time I say I love you, I mean it goddammit! Why can't you at least show it to me that you mean it too? It pains me to see you in here, but you don't seem to care. Do you think I'll accept that job of yours while we're in a relationship? Am I supposed to let you keep working in a place like this?! Have you forgotten that you need to look after your health!? Don't you see how fucked up you're acting right now?" A distraught Jinyoung stood up and approached him. He tried to reach for his hand, but before he had a chance to, the other snarled at him.

"There you go! I know you'd be like this once we saw each other again. You were never supposed to be here!" Mark exclaimed as he raked his fingers through his hair and exhaled. "Listen here, we are not fucking boyfriends! You don't have to accept any shit from me! I'm not asking you to. We are not together for more than a goddamn year! Do you think that just because we spent a whole night fucking I'll allow you to tell me what to do?! You're not my fucking father, nor my mother, nor my goddamn keeper. You expect me to follow you around because you say you love me? I'm not into this romantic shit. This is not one of your novels, darling. This is real life, and in real life, whores and bestselling writers don't live happily ever after. So do what I say. Get dressed and get the fuck out, Park Jinyoung!" Mark said sternly, as he picked up his clothes from the floor and threw at him. The younger was too shocked to move at first. The American's eyes didn't spare him any kindness. Mark saw him open his mouth, and then close it again. He was obviously hurt, yet Mark couldn't tell if he had finally convinced him to leave.

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